GreenFelt is all a scam, for what reason I do not know?

Day after day, I continue to see the fastest time at 3 or 4 seconds by "3bc" who always places first when shown and never a lower score. Following his score, there are consecutive scoring of 5 thru 10 or more seconds and most of the time, the other winners are named "anonymous". Otherwise, winners normally start at about 27 seconds followed by consecutives seconds named "anonymous". This all makes no sense! The people with true names show up among the "anonymous" names frequently but why would they continue to compete with a no named person? There is no prize or acknowledgement that can be worth winning. Scoring 27 or better is like bowling 400. I play to beat my own past scores because I do not know any better. I will never win, my best score in bowling was 199 so I gave it up. Does anyone else see what I see with this game?


  • Hello galteno.I'm quite happy to play against anyone,named or otherwise.Can it really matter?I just enjoy playing.The fact that there are no prizes or otherwise is totally irrelevant to me.I don't understand why this anonymous thing is such a problem to some people.I have more concerns in my life than if my fellow players are named or's just a game.Stay safe.

  • Asked and answered, specifically in response to your prior ill-informed rant on the same topic:

    But since you asked so nice, here you go again: 3bc routinely tops the Leader Board for several games because he is the fastest of the few players who invest the time to find a solution with the fewest taps, then practice that solution until they can perform them in a few seconds. I'm one of the others who do this (Freecell only), usually coming in a second or two behind 3bc. If you never see me in the top 10 list, you must have the “Show player’s first score, not fastest” option checked. 3bc games that system by logging in as 3bc only after recording a very fast score.
    As to the distinction you try to draw between anonymous players and “people with true names”, that’s utter nonsense: everyone here is anonymous. Even with the few players who whose usernames are normal names for people, you have no way of knowing if it’s the person’s actual name. And if it is, you still have no idea who that individual is, so s/he’s still effectively anonymous. About the only thing different about players who aren’t signed in is that they can have multiple scores that all show as “anonymous” on the top 10 list that comes up when you finish a game (but not on the Leader Board because that’s restricted to signed-in players…)

  • DeusExMachinaDeusExMachina REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    In this case, it’s a very safe bet that all of the anonymous scores were by the person who goes by 3bc (and Realise53). The evidence: timestamps for 3bc’s score and all the anonymous ones are within a few minutes of each other.

    @Jim & @david: would you consider changing the Leader Board to show best scores rather than first? The first score criteria is so easily and so commonly gamed for the GotD that it’s pretty pointless to maintain it. And if players stopped gaming the system, we’d avoid results like in the screenshot above.

  • Dear @galterio,

    Greenfelt is not a scam. You need to practice more. And when you're not practicing, try looking up the definition of "scam."

    Please stop ranting and just play the damn games.

    Cordially, @barzonymous

  • DeusExMachina: beautifully said.

  • PtownpapaPtownpapa REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    I am not a chess player. Years ago, at a quiet gathering in college I was challenged to a game of chess. I had never
    met the challenger before, he was a new comer to our extended group. I agreed to play and was beaten badly, the challenger said "again". So we did, several times, I realized this person had a "problem" - he had to win. He was flushed with victory and wouldn't stop. I knew he was not watching what I played, he was intent on his game so I carefully played into his game and set a very simple trap, I mated him in about 15 or 20 moves. He was furious, he actually leapt up and screamed that I had cheated. He got his coat and stormed out of the apartment. Yes, he slammed the door. I believe this gentleman is an extreme case of @galterio - no insult intended. "I can't win if everybody is a machine or a cheater, it's wrong, wrong, wrong" To be kind, play the games your way, try to beat your own best and forget about anybody else. OR put a sock in it because no one else cares.

  • It's a solitary game, for goodness sake. To be played for one's own satisfaction. @Ptownpapa I second the "sock" option.

  • You are both so much more polite than I am.

  • This is for fun and relaxation. So r e l a x, and have f u n.

  • Scam implies some sort of loss for you. What would that be?

  • I just finished a Klondike game in 86th position in 15 minutes and 50 seconds but I got final Jeopardy right. AND I'm not upset by people who "beat" me. I had fun thank you

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    That is kinda the goal-having fun. That's the best attitude. Congrats on Jeopardy.

    I have zero memory of how fast I played a game, because I'm not registered when I play and there is always someone faster.

  • Send $25.00 for a Green Felt Prime membership and I'll tell you if this site is a scam or not

  • Why the increase? I only paid $15 and I got free Netflix.

  • How'd you get free Netflix? I got scammed! I only got the prime membership. I feel slighted 😞

  • As Captain Louis Renault said: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"

    edited July 2021

    @DeusExMachina, thanks for taking the time to respond so thoroughly. We’ve considered sorting by best and not first by default. I’m leaning towards creating randomly named accounts for anonymous players, but I doubt it’ll happen any time soon. Our goal is not to disallow, but only to discourage, practicing. I personally am ecstatic to see @3bc put the effort in optimize his/her play! The fact that @3bc posted a video of confirmation and demonstration is just icing on the cake.

    Now that we have enough people playing, we’re considering adding “Games of the Minute” that can only have start times within that minute. Maybe starting every 5 minutes. Time is the only thing I can think of that would put everyone on the same footing.

  • I think there ought to be a "gripe of the week" contest. The winner gets a free week of games. I can't vote on Tuesday nights, its a religious thing. At the end of the year, the top 52 gripes could compete for "Kvetch of the Year".

  • Will your "gripe of the week" contest have an entry fee? I'm on a very tight budget azgal.

  • homedoggyhomedoggy REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    Geez....already gripping about the Grip of the Week (GOTW) That didn't take long. Can I nominate @gmaterre for week one? (Joking)
    Great idea though.

  • Is it "griping" or "whining?" I personally like "Whine of the Week."

  • Take out the "h" and I'm there. :)

  • Then you should add response or solution of the week and of course @barzonymous would win.

  • binky3 I thought about that, but sooooo many of the gripes have no real solution.

  • azgal you are soooo right.

  • Games of the minute sound a bit worrying. I spend so much time on greenfelt as it is - there goes the housework!

  • Housework? What's that? Aren't we here to play? Housework can wait. (BTW homedoggy, I could use a free week. The fees are killing me) 😆

  • We'll start an account.

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