this game stinks i play for days and never win there has to be something wrong i hate this game .

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1143405561

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  • Here's a thought. Play a different game.

  • If you won every game, you would've quit weeks ago. People THINK they win when they play with cards, but really they just manipulate the deck so the end up winning. If you stand on your tippy toes when you're have to stand on your tippy toes your whole life.

  • Totally agree with both comments above, maybe if you play for fun you would enjoy these games a lot more.

  • may i suggest lighting ur favorite incense before playing again? u might still hate it, but at least it won't stink

  • You must be careful about you'r blood pressure.These games are meant to relax you.Just play on like the rest of us.Enjoy yourself.

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