Sound of cards moving

Game: freecell
Game #: 1405104184

What would you like to see?


  • I'd like to hear the sound of cards moving.

  • No thanks.I'm trying to get away from sounds.That's what's good about this site,it's peaceful.Enjoy you'r game

  • sound of silence.

  • How would that make the game any better? It would certainly make this site far more complicated to implement and run.

  • @MIlfordgail ...On paper, adding sound to the site would seem to be a no brainer but the folks who have been around awhile have looked at this from all angles and think it would do little to enhance game play. I would rather put some old rock on the turntable an jam out.

  • @homedoggy Is it easy to have sound on a website? I assumed it was difficult, but I don't know anything about how to do such things... I, as well, am listening to more interesting stuff when I'm playing.

  • I doubt it would be hard to implement since its just a generic shuffle and maybe a card flip with an additional button for the 99% who would rather not have it. But david and jim are not exactly making bank on a site like this and their energies are focused in other directions. Sometimes our answers to questions like this sound a tad snarky and I didn't want Milfordgail to think ill of us.

  • It’s a reasonable request, which is why it comes up periodically. Different strokes and all that. However, the devs had said previously that sound is not likely to be added anytime soon, what with time being a limited resource and all that.

  • I play solitaire at mealtimes while listenting to tv news. Music would be too distracting for this 90-year-old.

  • I also like Glen Miller and Artie Shaw.

  • When I win I tend to play the hallelujah chorus.Quite uplifting.

  • A winning choice!

  • Love it!

  • Thank you @avenue, thank you @homedoggy.... sound is lovely mostly, and on a computer you can turn it on or off.
    I know Jim & David have lives out side of this site so the point is moot unless they say "Oh alright".
    Then we an all be happy and turn off the sound if we don't want it.

  • I like having no sound. I can see the cards moving, I don't have any trouble figuring out what's going on.

  • I’d much rather that Jim & David added an option to smell the cards. Surely I’m not the only one who misses the distinctive scent of a fresh deck!

  • I love the smell of euphemism in the morning

    chopper background noise

  • Smell-O-Internet!! When @graeme or anybody goes into a rhapsody on a favorite dish. We can
    enjoy the aromas. Think about it, barbecue from all over the world, what a concept!!! Jim, David please use
    your amazing talents and give the world an incredible new wonder. OOPS, just realized, selfies? Do
    we want to smell them? A button to smell or not to?

  • I'll second that.

  • I don't think that adding the sound of cards would do much for the esthetics. I'm just happy to play to the sound of landscapers mowing and blowing etc. Talk about sound pollution. It goes on every day. I'm at a loss when there's too much quiet!!

  • When this thread started a couple weeks ago, I, like many of you, was thinking "Oh boy, not again" This subject has been covered ad nauseam. but @Ptownpapa comment got me thinking. No...not Smell-O-Vision but, as one whose mother was ravaged for years with the effects of glaucoma, I was wondering if a large print deck of cards might be possible. Now, I know we can enlarge the cards but by doing so we shrink the field of view and we're no longer able to see the entire deck at the same time...a key in most games. A large print deck differs in that its just a number and a suit (eg 8 <3 or K <3 ) enabling us to have smaller cards with bigger numbers.

  • Excellent idea.

  • Good idea homedoggy , would help those players with any and all forms of vision problems.

  • That's why we pay you the big bucks homedoggy

  • Why didn't we think of that?Well worth considerating

  • As an afterthought homedoggy,can you also give some advice for those of us who have not only problems of vision but loss of hair,teeth,hearing and everything else that's gradually ceased to work over the years?I'm off for a cup of tea and some vitamin pills.Bye all.

  • I was gonna suggest a cup of tea and some vitamin pills.

  • I may start building an ark...

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