let me play theking game not you i will click cards to move not you ok

charltonbcharltonb REGISTERED

Game: freecell
Game #: 2850433773

What would you like to see?

i would like to play the game without the automatic moves ,its like i am not in control


  • please delete bad language i was frustrated so sorry

  • Everybody seems to be quite heated lately.Could it be the weather?I find a cup of tea and a biscuit helps cool the heated mind.That's what I'm going to have.Play on


    I understand it's frustrating. Check to make sure you are not accidentally clicking the right mouse button. We make that be "undo" so that you can play with just the mouse (otherwise you can hit the "z" key to undo). Also, if you click in a spot between cards it triggers "auto-finish", so if you aren't aimed right then you might be accidentally triggering that, too.

  • If ypu look back at CharltonB's posts...there seems to be a theme

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