As soon as I am playing either Freecell or Pyramid. I am under constant attack! Why?

Game: freecell
Game #: 482982372
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2019-04-07_15:46:35_-0700_fd8dc0008ec81e4e5b7ec0e262803a256e5df53b

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Pesky Martians.

  • Under attack? By who? What do you mean?

  • I would like to go on record as saying that I rarely have any idea what any of the questions asked mean...or I can see the question is answered in the rules of the game and wonder why it was asked at all.

    Play on.

  • Under attack! Is there an anti-solitaire brigade menacing us ?Thankfully I have a fully trained guard dog especially for this purpose.He can be loaned out to you for a reasonable sum.We need to be sure we can feel safe while playing our favourite games.Now for tea and biscuits.

  • Treacle's Exterminator Company , that is a good one graeme, good to hear from you , hope all is well across the pond , all is well here with mom and myself. Take Care all have fun everyone!

  • They are under attack by their own anxiety I think. The assault begins when they see the initial randomized layout of cards and intensifies with each agonizing tick on the timer. The pressure to perform both terrifies and paralyzes them. They may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, or a racing heart.

    This is called a "PANIC ATTACK".

    Although it's quite common (happens to me all the time) I'm afraid there's no cure. Tea and biscuits can provide short term relief however.

  • Good old Hickory smoked Kielbasa , would go well with them buttermilk biscuits.

  • Or maybe their spouse is attacking them for playing a stupid game when they should be doing this or that instead. This, too, is very common. Tea and biscuits may or may not help.

  • I refuse to answer that question.....

    People often get pop up stuff, or spam, et cetera, because they don't have security apps or don't know how to avoid that stuff. So, stuff pops up and they think the site is causing it.

    Tea and biscuits, yes, please! What kind of biscuits are you having, graeme? And buttermilk biscuits with kielbasa! Now I'm hungry...

  • I have frustration attacks when i play addiction.

  • you people are so crazy I love it

  • Hello riverrat 55.Everything fine this side of the pond.Glad that you'r mam is on the mend.Sage,the biscuits are chocolate chunk cookies........scrumptious.Looking forward to scrambled eggs on toast for lunch.Starting to feel hungry.Play on and enjoy yourselves.

  • Welcome to the asylum localmotion !

  • I'm amazed at the incredible times that people finish the games any games. I'm happy to finish them. I guess my technology is really dated. Thanks for the fun!!!

  • We know it's not Renaissance...
    The French only retreat.

  • Ouch

  • battre en retraite French for retreat

  • No more Claret for homedoggy.

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