You eat WHAT?



  • I'm hungry now. Pancakes and bacon, or scrambled eggs with bacon and a big bowl of grits with butter and salt.

  • If you are tempted to try grits because of something you read here, please get the real stuff (or quick grits if you must). But no self respecting Southerner would ever stoop so low as to eat Instant grits...yuuuck.
    They are an abomination and a pox on mankind.

  • Totally agree , tho don't eat grits alot instant grits are not the way to go ever, Thanks for post, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and to all .

  • I need a different side dish recipe for Thanksgiving. Anyone?

  • Hello homedoggy.Toad in the hole is sausage in batter.More of a lunch thing but can be eaten anytime.Rev your dad has good taste.Rhubarb tart my favourite.Rowdyone,line starts with the first mince pie eaten.Very much a Xmas favourite here in the U.K.

  • Treacle tart?

  • You guys got me thinking about food, and I want a chicken-fried steak. I wish I knew where to find a good one around here.

  • klickklick REGISTERED
    edited November 2018

    Homedoggy, Scalloped sweet potatoes are my favorite Thanksgiving side!
    Also, I would eat Yorkshire pudding with any meal!!!

  • graeme, I have a recipe for shoefly pie which uses molasses (not quite treacle, but nearly)

  • graeme, wanted to wish you and your family including Treacle,a Happy Thanksgiving , guess Traecle is having that other new slipper for Thanksgiving that he hid in his hidey-hole, Happy Thanksgiving Greenfelt and to all on site.

  • Hello jabba.Shoefly pie sounds interesting if,perhaps,a bit off-putting.I'll need to look into Australian cookery.Hello Gerald.Hope you are better now and a happy Thanksgiving to you all across the pond.Treacle fine.At the moment he's trying to get at my wife's new shoes.He'll be sorry.

  • Thanks @klick ...Scalloped sounds better than casseroled with mini marshmallows ...yuck, but our son is bringing that (his first attempt) and I didn't want to steal his thunder.
    @graeme ...I didn't know shoofly pie contained actual least when Treacle fixes it. Is it best with Prada?
    I hope everyone has a joyous week with family and safe travels, there and back.

  • Good Afternoon homedoggy , see your Tar Heels and Blue Devils from North Carolina schools now you like football and basketball. Treacle rather chew on some alligator shoes.

  • homedoggy...........shoefly pie may well be an old aboriginal recipe for discarded shoes.May well excite Treacles' offence to any aboriginal viewers of this site meant.I may be in trouble with the society of protection of discarded shoes now though.Now off to the coal-shed.Bye-all

  • I actually spelt it wrong - its shoofly pie and I got the impression it was an American recipe when I saw it, certainly not common to Australia

  • @jabba...You're correct about the spelling...named for a brand of molasses. Here, in the south they have something called Pecan Pie which has reached legendary status. The recipe I saw for Shoofly Pie sounded like a close cousin.

  • Southern Homemade fresh baked Pecan Pie rules , remember when young out in the country and down on river people use to put their fresh baked pie on window sill, to cool, my grandmother use to do it, yes I have test sampled one of those pies.

  • green switches hurt worse than razor strap or belt.

  • Topped with homemade giblet gravy on the cornbread dressing , fixing to get ready to go eat a big plate of dressing and gravy.

  • Sorry I missed this, mostly delicious, chat yesterday and the day before.
    @homedoggy if I had seen this sooner, I would have suggested Cranberry Orange Relish or Beer Bread for a side dish

    Vegemite is awful. Someone, I think my niece, brought some back from Australia. Yuck
    Yorkshire pudding is delicious with a beef rib roast and gravy (used to be our Christmas dinner.)

    I hope everyone had a delicious Thanksgiving and even better leftovers. For those on the other side of the pond (either one) I hope it was a good day.

  • Peanut Butter toast, eating some now , anybody want some....

  • Yorkshire puds with roast potatoes and roast beef and gravy.Jezzbelle,now your talking.Our family tend to have this on Boxing Day.It's always turkey for xmas day...............merry xmas all.I do like the sound of Beer Bread.Any relation to Laverbread?

  • Homemade Banana Pudding, and Dr. Pepper , to finish the Holidays , boiled custard later, getting ready for Christmas.

  • I'm going to Treacle's house for roast beef and gravy. Hello graeme,, just wanted to say hello !

  • @graeme -- don't know anything about Laverbread. A can of room temperature beer is the leavening for beer bread. It also gives it a different taste

  • Hello Gerald.You would be very welcome.Roast beef,yorkshire pudding,roast potatoes and all the vedgies,accompanied by a couple of bottles of half-decent claret,followed by Christmas pudding and cream.We would all then,congregate in front of a roaring fire singing Welsh hymnes supported by Chris on the harp.Treacle, of course,would be tucked up inside his Xmas stocking..........a very large stocking.Look after yourself my friend.

  • You paint a great picture, graeme

  • Baked Chicken Thighs coated with Jamaican Jerk Marinade, with butter, cooked in oven wrap in foil at 350 degrees for over an hour, coated with dry Cajun seasoning, with a side dish of brown rice with dripping of juices from baked chicken and little red pepper and cajun seasoning, and a big glass of Lemonade.

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