Can we reduce the abuse of the leader board?
Game: freecell
Game #: 3050791145
What would you like to see?
Some people just want their name in lights, but to use some kind of automated tool to replay your mouse clicks at hyper-speed in order to clog the board with your name? This isn't gamesmanship, this is just pure ego. Can you at least eliminate entries that have identical names/moves/times?
This is not the players’ fault, it’s the way the site works.
If you play a game repeatedly trying (unsuccessfully) to improve your time, and in the process you keep recording the same time and number of moves, the leader board shows all of those games as ties. While I suspect that exactly one of the scores shown in that particular leader board was recorded with the assistance of ReMouse or the like, I can assure you the rest were played legitimately.
What’s really unfortunate is that if you play a bunch of games while not logged in, the site is still recording all your scores. So when you eventually log in, all of those “offline” scores go on the record. That’s actually what happened in this case.
I agree that it would be an improvement to limit the leader board to one entry per user name
Evidence of legit 7 second times:
Would love to see the same from the player at the top of the board...
It would also be nice to always show the "top 10" scores plus your best score to see where you are. I play for fun, but sometimes only a few scores (including mine) out of more than 10 show. But the fun is playing; I like to see other scores for comparison (and sometimes to replay to try to find a better way to go).
28 minutes of pure dedication!
Thanks again, @DeusExMachina, for another great video!
Hi, I play Canfield daily. I have noticed a particular problem with the results from Canfield played on the 26th September 2018. The games here in Australia finish at 10am in the morning and then the new games commence immediately. I have provided several screenshots to prove what i am complaining about. The first screen shots were taken just before 10am......the date and time is at the top. Alani234 was not on the leader board. Another shot was taken just after 10am ....Alini234 was still not on the leaderboard. You will notice that the new games for the day have already commenced. Then at roughly 10.30am on the 27th Alani234 appears to be the winner. Check the screenshots. Regards Rob
barneyrumble, recently I was on holiday and not able to play every day. When I could, I would try to catch up on games that I had missed in the previous days. After playing those games, if I did well, I would then show on the leader board for that game (be it 2 or 3 days ago). I think this is probably what you are seeing.
To expand on what Jaba said, the inception of a new Game of the Day has no bearing on record-keeping for the prior day’s game. The system continues accepting scores for a given game indefinitely. It’s a bit as if Usain Bolt could go back in time and retroactively compete in the ‘36 Olympics, snatching the Gold from Jesse Owens. Which would still be more fair than 3bc winning the Tour de France on a Vespa.
ok thanks for that
how can I ask for a deck with puppies on it to play my game?
specialk, you kinda just did. Maybe a picture of Gromit - David???
How about Treacle?
I want cards with Droopy on cards , maybe few Treacle's in the mix.
That's a good idea ! He likes cards,especially the more tasty ones.He's moved on from the papers.Autumn's arrived this side of the pond.Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.Play on ladies and gents.
Maybe Jim and David could devise a way we could design our on cards the way we all can put our own pictures on the cards, that would be cool.
Well I sure stand corrected! And @DeusExMachina you will not likely see me get that score. And that's fine by me.