name not appropiate

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Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

like the one i saw today : the kaiser


  • that name for me reffer to nazism

  • dodn't know if that is acceptable

  • The kaiser was a German or Austrian Emperor only until 1918.
    It had nothing to do with Nazi Germany.
    But in this case ...the player is a fan of the buns.

  • Nan01Nan01 REGISTERED
    edited September 2018

    My first thought went straight to the kaiser roll. They are a bit too tough for me but they taste good.

    For those that are interested in the history of food...

    Btw...kaiser in German means emperor.

    I never even notice these types of names until someone brings them up. It just doesn't interfere with me play a game of solitaire. Jim and/or David have always taken care of the names that they feel are inappropriate..

  • I always heard that a diamond is the hardest substance...but a two day old kaiser roll can crack a diamond, no problem.

  • It has certainly got me thinking about what kind of bread that I would be. Right now I am on a biscuit run...everything on a biscuit. Before the biscuit was Naan bread.

    So I could call myself either Biscuit or Naan (which would not be too far off from my real name). Then there is that good ole southern fried cornbread. Maybe I will just go by Fried Cornbread.

    Okay...I think I might be pushing it too far!

  • Hello Fried Cornbread!

  • I'm in North Kakalaky... so anything said against the good ol' buttermilk biscuit would void my membership card. But my roots in New York will not let me forget how wonderful a toasted onion bagel with cream cheese.
    Drop the mike.

  • Had to look up North Kakalaky!

    Found this...

    Most interesting part...

    One theory about “Cackalacky,” suggested by Glenn Hinson at UNC, traces it to “a capella” gospel groups in the American South in the1930s, who used the rhythmic (but apparently meaningless) chant “clanka lanka” in their songs. This theory seems plausible. Elsewhere, a South Carolina newspaper reported back in 2003 that Page Skelton, the inventor of “Cackalacky” brand hot sauce, believes the word may have come from a combination of “Tsalaki” (pronounced cha-lak-ee), supposedly the Cherokee way to say “Cherokee,” and “cocklaleekie,” a Scottish soup. That theory strikes me as deeply implausible. But both of those theories are preferable to the one that traces “Cackalacky” to “Kakerlake.” which is German for “cockroach” (although you folks down there do have those disturbingly large “palmetto bugs,” which are actually just jumbo cockroaches).

    So does that mean you are northern German palmetto bug??? I have spent some time in those Carolinas...those flying cockroaches/palmetto bugs are hug!!! They can fly in to ya and knock you down. The place that I was staying also had alligators in the pond behind the house...the flying cockroaches were bigger than the alligators!

    Signing off now...Fried Cornbread/Biscuit (can't make up my mind)

  • Back to the word 'kaiser. As far as I remember, it's origins are Latin ... in Ancient Rome, specifically 'Caesar'... as in Julius.

  • Nan01 - maybe you could be naan cornbiscuit. That way no-one is left out

  • I guess i have quite a sweet tooth, I would be be banana bread with sugar icing.

  • Thx @Nan01 ... To be honest ...I never gave it much thought. It was just what the old timers said.
    So...why do they say "West 'By God' Virginia" I've heard that one a lot. Maybe @Monkeynotale ca shed some light.

  • Well this all led me to looking up my birth state of Kentucky. All I found was that it is sometimes referred to as the "Corn-Cracker State" as a reference to the poor mountain people.

    My favorite motto I found..."Kentucky: Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names", It is so true...everyone is related to everyone else.

  • I like pumpernickel bread (or toasted) plain, buttered, or with sweet or savory toppings. It's also good with cream cheese and makes a great sandwich as well.

  • Nan01, did you notice that this post may have begun because a feather was picked up!

  • Hello Fried Cornbread!

  • 2 helpings of fried cornbread even better , just add extra butter,

  • oh dear god ....................

  • I think you'r in the wrong Forum

  • I'm ignoring this Forum atleast they are fun and enjoyable, off to feed my babies.

  • Oh! thats hummingbirds, hello graeme,treacle, homedoggy, Nan aka Cornbread

  • Gerald...Many people have never heard of fried cornbread...maybe it is just a southern thing. Fried cornbread with a pot of white beans and fried chicken were a staple at my house growing up...every Sunday!

    That was some good eating! Now my chicken is either grilled or sauteed. :/

  • Back to the topic of this thread for just a moment...

    Am I the only one that never notices these names that seem to upset some people. I swear I never see them until someone points it out. I guess I just don't care what people call themselves. There are just too many other things in life to worry about.

  • I have lived in Tennessee all my life don't get to experience other than southern cooking maybe some soul food , little cajun , I love fried cornbread easier to make for me, I do make in pan we call it drop cornbread down here where when you pour batter in pan lightly drop pan , you get the hang of it ,it doesn't stick my granny taught me that when young, yeah ! these folks they post a forum and never come back on , irritates that they do it so they can see how many hits they can get like a video on youtube, some of like to talk about food, weather ,sports just to change subject , getting used to baked since health scare here recently trying to stay away from fried foods , will try some hot water cornbread instead of milk in batter use hot water, some people down here make it all time, My favorite tradition for cornbread is bust up cornbread in big glass pour some cold milk on it and grab long spoon we call it sweet milk and cornbread , thanks for the messages , Have a good weekend and enjoyed chatting with you,

    edited September 2018

    You guys are way off topic here. I'm locking the thread. I like hearing about your recipes, but please post them in the recipes thread. @homedoggy is right: "Kaiser" is German but not Nazi related. I don't think it should be offensive.

This discussion has been closed.