Edit score
I would like the ability to edit my score at the end of a game. That way I can have the score I deserve rather than the score I earned.
I would like the ability to edit my score at the end of a game. That way I can have the score I deserve rather than the score I earned.
Reasonable. It couldn't go on your permanent record though.
I would like unicorns (dancing) to appear every time I win a game.
I'm not quite sure why we haven't thought of that before…
Dancing unicorns?
Cute! Is that a "twerking" unicorn?
I want my unicorns to be dancing, too. Lots of them.
Ahhhh, pole dancing Unicorns. Very nice.
A 5 legged unicorn???
Yeah, that fifth leg is the part that’s surprising!
The fifth leg makes up for the one missing from the other unicorn.
What’s this unicorn business all about then?
I think I started it. But now I want llamas dancing after every win. Or maybe an alpaca?
Happy Easter everyone! How about a dancing Easter=egg? Stay safe and play on with the sure knowledge that no unicorns were harmed in these displays.Not forgetting that it's Good Friday to-day.Cheers!
Easter is my favorite holiday. It reminds us that we are all truly blessed and loved unconditionally.
BTW, I've never understood how a rabbit (a mammal) has so many eggs.
Happy Easter, everyone! Spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere!
Well, that uploaded much larger than anticipated. Happy Easter, good GreenFelters.
Beautiful! Happy soon to be Easter.
Thanks @graeme for reminding us of what is truly important.

He is Risen!
@fingsaint @barzonymous — Movie pitch: A pandemic is unleashed by ticks that live on and around the mouths of alpacas. Global chaos ensues as the disease wipes out 99% of humanity. Desperate roving bands fight for survival in a post-alpaca lip tick wasteland.
Since we speak of Unicorns found a recent photo and story

@zudensternen groan 🙄😂
So I guess a Unicorn Rex is out, too?