Repetitive scores

Game: freecell
Game #: 158325454
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Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Why must people fill up the score list with 20 or more of their scores? All you accomplish is looking like an attention seeking cretin.


  • If you’re referring on this occasion to sussi, s/he was most likely striving to carve a second off the score. Failing at that, the board was packed with a slew of identical 11 second scores.

  • I don't know-I think calling players "cretins" is not exactly in the Green Felt spirit.

  • I think the "Green Felt spirit" is a distant memory if the top ten freecell from 2 days ago is any indication.
    It's pretty obvious the same person has used various names to promote their political agenda.
    By the way 'cretin' was at one time a medical term for people with iodine deficiency. Thanks for bringing it
    up so I could find that out!

  • “It's pretty obvious the same person has used various names to promote their political agenda.“
    That would be me. And I do so only after a fanboy of the current deplorable resident of The People’s House has filled the board with his obnoxious aliases. At that point, I take more pleasure than I should in shoving him out of the Top 10. At the risk of stating the obvious, I’m not a big believer in turning the other cheek.
    Here’s hoping that our troglodytic iodine deficient rival crawls back under his rock after his demagogue gets buried in a landslide that is then washed away in a blue tsunami.

  • Nearly choked on my tea after reading the above.Had to resort to my dictionary for translation.Ah!,the Trogs.Where are they now? Keep safe everyone.

  • Will someone please play Wild Thing?

  • I'm waiting with bated breath.

  • Thank you D.E.M. @homedoggy would you please post Wild Thing. I still haven't figured out how. @graeme I know you don't like us to behave badly with words and hateful views of the current resident of our White House, but if he gets another 4 years I just might have to come and live with you and Chris if you'll let me. My anxiety level is through the roof and turned me into a "wild thing".

  • Hello barzonymous/binky3.Nice to hear Wild Thing again.It evokes memories of my life in the 'swinging 60's' although it sure as hell wasn't swinging where I lived.Had a lot of fun in Tiger Bay though.How time flies.Binky3.You can join Chris and I anytime,although the politics over here are quite toxic.The only 'Wild Thing'we have with us is Treacle.Take care both of you and my other friends,homedoggy and riverrat 55.Plod on!

  • I mean... they started it. lol. Good on you Deus.

  • Maybe Canada?

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