score not acknowledged

Game: spider
Game #: 2007786149
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.18363
JS-Version: 2020-05-16_19:41:12_-0700_f06495f1711fe3a4108f10f14aebc2cd651b89d9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

I scored 13 on this game and it didn't show up/wasn't acknowledged. I'm logged on. There was one posted score (13). I've had this problem previously and just grumbled; usually or always (don't remember) no one else was posted.


  • Just because you don't have any more moves, doesn't mean the game is over because you still have the 'Undo" button. You have to hit 'Give Up' for the game to end and your score to be registered

  • That sounds about right. If I get nothing, I 'give up' but not sure if I always do just because I have no more moves. I'll watch out for that. thanks.

  • Back again . That sounded like a reasonable answer except it isn't . I definitely hit 'give up' for Game #:1700914393 and should have logged a score of 26, two suits up. I can snip the grayed out 'give up' next time it happens if you want. thanks.

  • That sounded like a reasonable answer except it isn't . I definitely hit 'give up' for Game #:1700914393 and should have logged a score of 26, two suits up. I can snip the grayed out 'give up' next time it happens if you want. thanks. (when I tried to post this, was told 'body is required' who knows what my fingers were doing

  • Hey @cattycat...thx for the feedback and sorry I haven't been helpful.
    Are you signed in when you play?

  • yes. but that doesn't matter when things go right it then asks me to sign in and posts the score. My problem just happened again. I'm currently running 2 computers and signed in to greenfelt on both with cattycat. Wonder if that is related. Alas I can't tell you if I have this same problem on the other machine. I'll assume, since I see 'chrome' posted above (why is mozilla listed?). I run chrome and i/e on this machine (probably not edge) and this time (and probably previous) I'm in chrome so this time and the previous report are on the same machine and web browser....
    I saved the 1st part of this (above) as draft and played another game, won, and it announced I came in 1/4. (A separate question - i never seem to come in 2nd or 4th, always 1st)

  • I just gave @jim and @david a yohoo to look into whats going on. Sorry I couldn't help but I'm sure they can

    edited May 2020

    Hi @cattycat,

    Mozilla is listed because that's what Netscape used to put in its User-Agent string (that is submitted with every web page request). Now all browsers include "Mozilla" in the string for compatibility. Note that Mozilla the company didn't exist at this time. Netscape, the first commercial browser company, called its browser Mozilla (Mosaic-Killer) internally. Mosaic was one of the first web browsers. When Netscape the company crashed they opened the source to their browser and a non-profit was created called Mozilla to further develop it.

    I know you asked for help with your issue, not a history lesson, but I can't tell what's going on with your actual issue. It'd be great if you could provide the game number of a game where this happens and tell us how many time it worked for you on that particular game number and how many times it didn't work so we can compare with our records.

    Have fun,

  • (belatedly) On reflection I almost always 'give up' and when I don't, it's because I didn't play out all the cards that were dealt.

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