Cards wonky Again

Game: golf
Game #: 1378257396
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2020-03-26_10:42:01_-0700_29cf6477f6a884ced4ae15f38e99308be0522b78
Errors: 6289808064 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812 810fc826e1 3e5f030940 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 810fc826e1 bfc057e812

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

I've tried all my favorites today, Golf, Pyramid, Freecell, 40, Klondike,& Spider none of them are working most the cards don't move when clicked on and if they do move you can't add them to the necessary receiving pile. Can you help?


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