download a particular hand to replay at home

Game: klondike
Game #: 606875058

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Would it be possible to download to my personal computer, a particular Klondike hand / deal / game # to try to "win" it without using endless replays online? There was one a couple days ago that 1 person won ... so possible to solve. After 7 replays on line, I gave up. But, determined one that I am, would like to "chew on it" off line. Thank you



  • One suggestion on game number for your klondike, if you bookmark it by clicking star since it has game number as your url , it will appear in your bookmarks in upper right with the horizontal slashes. finished a winnable game as you stated in 2:32 so it is it is solvable thou was 74 so not bragging. Good Luck, have fun!


    Green Felt works just fine offline. Just keep a browser page open with that shuffle in it and you should be fine. You’ll see a little spade in the upper right corner that has the count of games that haven’t been sent to the server. The next time you connect, they will be sent. If you don’t want them sent, just close that tab or window before you connect.

  • Ah! Good suggestions. Thank you very much. Alas, that shuffle is way gone, but I'll be ready for the next 'toughie.' :)

  • Jim (Green Felt Guy) FYI I periodically try other solitaire sites but always come back to Green Felt. Works the best for me and I like competitive nature. Take care

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