I have payed this card game since Nov. the 07 and have not won one game i play it every day and nigh

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1786891538
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0
JS-Version: 2019-04-07_15:46:35_-0700_fd8dc0008ec81e4e5b7ec0e262803a256e5df53b

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • it keeps moving my cards without me doing it .

  • Are you talking about game 1786891538 specifically or Fortythieves in general? No one has won that game so maybe there is no solution.

  • I played this game number 3 times best was score of 15 in 2:21 , I didn't have any issues with cards moving. Basically all scores are pretty low as homedoggy stated this game may not be solvable.

  • Also... if you click on your name above, your Activity page will pop up. Now under your smiley face icon click on the word "discussion" and the 18 threads you started will appear. Wondering if you can spot the common thread in all of them. You might want to consider playing a game with a higher winning percentage.
    Good luck, mike50

  • The game, itself, is not making automatic moves. You are inadvertently clicking either the left or right mouse button, which is causing the cards to move. If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If the cards are moving back, to their previous positions, it's because... "You might be accidentally clicking the right mouse button—that executes the “undo” function." -David

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