Jumping all over the [%$#@!] place

trythistrythis REGISTERED

Game: freecell
Game #: 271205096

What would you like to see?

Quite the whore down!


  • And you kiss your mother with that mouth?

  • My grandmother would have made me take a big dose of caster oil! it was worse than soap!

    edited October 2018

    That'll be your computer trying to run away from you... :# :o

    It's your computer, not this website. Perhaps play for more than a minute, after registering, to see how things work, before complaining.

    The game, itself, is not making automatic moves. You are inadvertently clicking either the left or right mouse button, which is causing them.

    If you click anywhere on the screen any cards that can move will do so. If the cards are moving back, to their previous positions, it's because... "You might be accidentally clicking the right mouse button—that executes the “undo” function." -David

  • You need to make clean moves ON the cards, if you click on the green field the cards automatically move.
    You also really NEED TO CLEAN UP YOUR LANGUAGE!!!

  • Another idiot trying to attract attention to himself.

  • You talking about me?

  • No Potty mouth. see above.

  • my bad homedoggy was talking about trythis, ole potty mouth. Hello , and to my friends across the pond , graeme and treacle.

  • can't express yourself without cursing

  • By looking on his username page he has already received 165 views and 10 comments. Hopefully Jim and David will kill this forum , there are young kids on this site they don't need to see this at all, it is disrespectful to all of us, forum needs to be blocked he has had his 15 minutes of fame .

  • Good point.There is no room on this site for this sort of self-seeking bad behaviour.Hello to homedoggy and Gerald,will get back to you shortly.

  • Your language on this public forum is despicable and you should be ashamed of yourself. Clean up your act or leave the site!

  • I agree with you, cdmusic

  • I agree with you tooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Guess he don't like us any more hasn't been back on forum or site since IT wrote the forum , seen a lot of the same posts it is becoming normal but this knucklehead is one of the worst,

  • It's okay with me. Don't need that kind of stuff

  • Jim and David, is there any way you can block the posting of despicable language?
    There are many of your regular forum participants and greenfelt players who've been offended by this post. I'm also in agreement with Gerald64 that children do not need this gutter language.
    Many times you've been highly complimented about the design and oversight of your enjoyable site. Please don't allow people like this to sully all your good work. If you're unable to block such an incident at least remove the post so that it doesn't appear repeatedly when the forum is accessed! Thank you!!!

  • Thank you Spiderwebs, was debating weather or not to send message , again grateful to you for stepping up, Take Care, enjoy your weekend, I am in agreement for blocking forum due to reasons you have listed, with our newcomers and kids who view and play on this site,and those whom are as in myself included are offended and Thanks to everyone who have posted comments against this forum,

  • Guys, if you are squeamish about language there is a simple solution: stop posting on this thread and it will disappear through natural attrition.

    Personally it doesn’t bother me, in this instance it’s just earthily adjectival B)

  • It has nothing to do with being "squeamish" but keeping a level of decency and decorum where most people are helpful and want the forum to be fun and friendly!
    "trythis" was out of line and very inappropriate, offending many....which you have overlooked. The response to "what would you like to see?" was also nasty and unnecessary.
    You may accept this type of language, be used to it, or even use it yourself. To many more than less it remains highly offensive.
    BTW...you are wrong about not posting and the thread will "disappear" naturally. I've noticed that previously posted threads from weeks, and even months, ago have reappeared several times.
    I really do NOT want to see this gutter talk again on this forum!!!

  • ...and "earthly adjectival"!?!
    Come onnnn... fingsaint... give us a break.......

  • bet your keyboard’s smoking after that :D

    spiderwebs, as you’ve pointed out, people react differently and I’m all for diversity over narrowness. I respect your position but I disagree with you and there’s enough room for different opinions to stand side by side

  • Let me point out that language is fluid and a lot of people now do not find the f word objectionable.

  • Respectfully, Jim and David PLEASE put an END to this post!

    It has created circular arguments about whether the "features request" by "try this" and the response to "what would you like to see?" are inappropriate and objectionable.

    If you review the comments it truly has been offensive to many.

    Now it's become a source of debate and we are subject to the ugly heading over and over.

    In the same way you keep your site clean from bugs you can most likely be able to keep your forum clean!

    I, and others, THANK you for your consideration!!!

  • no more bad language please.It's not clever

  • Being a person of faith...I have always wondered if 'bad' words were offensive to God, and who is it that denotes some words as curses but 'stool sample' is okay in mixed company. In my heart of hearts, I don't think God cares about words...but concentrates on the thoughts behind the choice of the words we use. I've worked construction my whole life, so I've heard my share of salty language and may have let a few 'f bombs' slip myself, but when,. in that setting, no one is offended so 'no harm- no foul.' But we live in a world (and play on a website) that is populated by retirees and impressionable teenagers...and I would hope that folks refrain from words that might offend. Having said that though, I am personally not bothered by O.P.'s statement...however, I have gained some insight into what kind of person this is.
    My first statement on this thread was a knee-jerk reaction and an effort to protect folks with more sensitive ears (and eyes) as well as injecting a little humor into what I thought might become a tense exchange.
    The Christian thing to do I think is to accept people for who they are and, of course, is forgive and forget and move on to a topic with a little more panache.

  • Now your talking.How about politics?.........................No?

  • @homedoggy ...Teens and retirees...here's my experience...

    As a retiree myself...nothing much offends me. In my lifetime I have heard and read more than enough to let me know that people will say and write what they will. If it offends me then I don't read it.

    As far as teens...I used to work with them. Believe me their language can far exceed any language that I have ever used. Even what one would consider a "good teen". Actually I have heard them use words that I don't even know what they mean.

    What I am confused about is just by reading the title of this post one can figure out if it is offensive so why click on it. The originator of this post obviously was going for the "shock value"...obviously he got what he wanted.

    I have said enough or I might find myself in trouble so I will leave it with what a very smart person told me once...

    "You can only be offended (or shocked) if you allow it."

    It is a variation of an Eleanor Roosevelt quote..."No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.".


    I'm closing this discussion, it's gotten very much off-topic. @trythis: if you ever read this, what you are seeing is probably caused by accidental right clicking, or clicking in the spaces between cards. Right click is undo and clicking in between cards activated "auto finish" (tries to bring up cards to the foundations).

This discussion has been closed.