3 turn solitaire game

I am almost ready to throw in the towel...after
another 50 games, I couldn't win ONE!!! Is it me, or is anyone else having the same problem???


  • Klondike is a difficult game. I don't play 3-turn, just the 1-turn, but I find a LOT of people beat the game yet I will beat 1 out of maybe 75/100. I'm not a great player, tho I'm not a bad player either.

    Suggestion: when you have a choice between 2 moves, remember which moves you did NOT make. If you get to the end of game and have not beaten it, don't Give Up. Instead Undo back to where you have to make choices, then make the other choice. You can Undo as much (or as little) as you wish. Other people may have more suggestions for you.

    Personally, since I was raised in Las Vegas and learned the rules there, I go thru the games only once. I don't expect to beat many, if any, games. For me, it's the playing, not the winning. But we each have our own desires.

    Enjoy the games.

  • Hey Yankee...
    Click on "deck" in the upper left and change the cards around. I suggest the "colored toes'...they're the luckiest.

  • Thank you springrain and homedoggy. I appreciate your input and suggestions. Maybe "colored toes" will help. Yes.\, I will try the Undo - never thought of that...Good playing for you both!

  • Hello xnewyorker.I only play 1-turn but the same conditions apply.Forget time,you may have a number of options,if you choose the wrong one go back.Don't be afraid to retrace your steps and try another option.When possible bring cards down from the formations if it will release a card to facilitate a move.Be flexible,move your cards around.I have spent 12 minutes or more in doing this.Sometimes with good results,sometimes not so.Don't give up.The more you play,the better you will become.As always,it becomes a natural progression.I hope this helps you in your game.I've just returned from my local pub with my long-suffering wife Chris,so I hope this information does not sound dis-jointed.You will do well I'm sure.Enjoy your game

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