
I have two questions. First, it seems that more than 90% of the time there is something wrong with the server. Why is that?

Second, why do I play the same games two and three times each day? It is statistically improbable that I would play the same game twice ever, never mind two and three times a day.



  • I wish I could help you on the server issue on your game whatever you are playing it has server is down we are working on it. if you go to blog page it gives you more details of issues, that a computer illiterate person as in my self does not understand the technical issues ,will leave that to Jim and David our founders of this site, and work solely alone in efforts to keep things running here at green felt. you can click on see our blog posts.
    In regards to repeating games , not sure what games you are playing and some games not familiar if say you are playing Free Cell , you can click on game # and clear it and type in any number of game between 1- 9999999999 then click enter and play any given game of your choosing it is located right next to auto finish , I do hope you will read the blog posts and some of our long time members of this great site will be able to assist you more than I have, We hope you enjoy the games and have fun and play on, jim and David are as mentioned are working diligently to get the server back up an running as best of their ability , in regards to game number as mentioned this is only for Free cell , not sure of other games but others may offer same feature of choice of game number or you can click on game of day, Thank You,

  • Please see the notice underneath the game name, that's been there since the beginning of June: "We're currentlly experiencing problems with the server and are working to fix them. Please see our blog post for updates."

    And this is the blogpost: https://blog.greenfelt.net/2018/06/02/the-server-is-undergoing-maintenance/

    Until this notice is removed, and the blogpost is updated that everything's working smoothly, again, there're going to be issues. Please be assured that David and Jim, who own this site, and who have lives, and careers, as well, are doing everything in their power, and as speedily as they are able to, to have Greenfelt running perfectly, again.

    As for repeating game numbers... Perhaps you need to clear your cache or your cookies or whatever saves what you've done, on your computer?

    Repeating games happens to everyone now and again... as you'll find by searching the forum.

    You can reach all the Games of the Day, by clicking on the links in the Leaderboard. Also, for more games...

    Click on the New Game button (on the left, under the Green Felt logo), of any game. Then click on the High Scores button to see if you've played it before. Keep doing this until you get a game you don't have a score on, because you haven't played it. Or just click it five or six times. You should get a game you haven't played, by then.

    Alternately, click on the yellow game number of any game. (To the right of Auto Finish.) You can enter any number from 1 to 999999999 then click Enter (on your keyboard) to play that game.

  • Playing Freecell, I have observed that the games aren't totally random; the same game will be offered to 2,000 or 10,000 visitors over the course of a day. When you win a game you can see the total # who have played it — today. Those numbers increase as the day goes on. If you look at the times in the winner's circle, they are all within the last few hours; they are not all-time.

    The site works this way so that visitors don't see "You are #1 of 1!" when they win a game. There was a time a week or so ago when a bug caused totally random games to be issued, and take it from me, playing was a lonely experience until that got fixed!

    So it's not unheard-of to get the same game to play twice. At any one time there are probably anywhere from a few to a few dozen games that are being offered.

    Wouldn't be surprised of the other games work the same way. (David could tell us how this works in detail if he chooses to.)

  • zudensternenzudensternen REGISTERED
    edited June 2018

    (duplicate deleted)

  • ECHO, Echo, echo
    The only thing I can add is that, I think, some folks leave the Green Felt tab open for days on end and go back to it and play periodically so...added to what Sage and zudensternen said...there are a finite number of games to play from. Close the tab and come in again


    It's true, the games are not completely random per person, but they are random. It's a little complicated but here's how it works. When you first come to the page it looks in your cookies to see if you've played the current game of the day. If you haven't, then it shows that (and marks that you've seen it in your cookies). Once you've seen it, it plays from what we call the "seed chain". This is a randomly generated list of seeds (what we call game #s internally). This seed chain changes once per hour. Again, we keep track of where you are on the chain, per title (what we call game names like Freecell and Klondike), in your cookies.

    So ideally, if you play some freecell games and then come back within the same hour to play more, it'll see where you were in the seed chain for freecell and continue after that so you don't get any duplicate games. If you come back more than an hour later it'll have a new seed chain, and you'll get those games instead.

    Here are the reasons I can think of that would cause duplicate games:

    • If you change computers (if you play on your phone and then play on your computer) within an hour you'll see duplicates—this is because cookies are stored on the device and not on our servers. So your computer has no way of knowing where you were on the seed chain.
    • If you bookmark a page that's got something like "seed=xxxxx" in the address then that overrides all the seed chain, gotd stuff and you'll get that game first, guaranteed.
    • Since we store all this stuff in cookies, if you disable cookies you'll also probably get duplicate games.
    • Also there's the possibility that the random number generator gives out the same number twice in the same seed chain, but that should be a very low probability and you should never see that.

    That said, enough people have complained about duplicate games that I suspect there might be a bug somewhere in the seed chain stuff. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it (I've looked multiple times), and I never notice duplicate games myself which makes it tough to track down.

  • Am I on a different planet from everyone else.I cannot access any games.I have Windows 10 using Explorer.Fine up until two weeks ago.I realise there is a problem being worked on,but I wonder if the problem is my end.Any suggestions[nice ones preferably]Thank-you


    @graeme, what is the symptom, precisely? Are you getting an error message? Or maybe a blank page? Things should generally be working now.

  • Hello david.Thanks for getting back to me I keep getting 502 Bad Gateway and have done since the site went down.I have always used Explorer on my Windows 10 and have had no problem accessing your site,it looks as if the problem may well be my end,if so,I'm at a loss as towhat I can do about it.As you can see,I can access the General Discussion but nothing else.It's an excellent site and I appreciate the hard work you have put into it.It would be a great pity if I could no longer play alongside my friends from across the pond,but if that turns out to be the case then I want to thank you for allyour hard work.I may not be able to reply tomorrow,one of my old friends returned just before Xmas.Had the op and tomorrow will find out if he has decided not to bless me with his company again.I wish you and Jim all the best for your future projects.Having said all this,you may be able to fix it.That would be nice.Thanks again.

  • @david...it's like that noise in your car that stops when you drive in to see the mechanic. I have experienced this phenomenon occasionally...but it was intermittent...and not lately
    @graeme ...miss you buddy. Is the dog beating you yet?

  • Treacle may well be on the Leader Board should I be able to return.If all goes well I look forward to reading your humorous asides.Thanks for the thought,look after yourself.Will have to contact Gerald, hope he's o k.See you


  • Ditto. Be well graeme

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