need sound

Game: klondike
Game #: 1062502332

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  • need sound

  • Put on some good music to listen to in the background and kick back and play some games , Dennis there is no sound on this site, me I like it this way, can jam some good Rock N Roll and play games and enjoy a great time with music in background don't have to deal with weird noises and sounds a lot of games offer.

  • If I remember correctly, David mentioned that adding sound is something they have thought about. If they do, he said it would come with OFF as the default. I also believe he said it is not a priority.

    Enjoy the games

  • Is'nt it nice just to have some peace and quiet in an already noisy world?Or is it just my age.

  • This site is best, because here is no sounds. I have a bad tinnitus, so I have a radio on.
    Helena from Finland

  • Hei to Helena in Finland
    I like to supersize my answers but didn't intend it to sound snarky,,,,
    but serious would clicks and whirrs enhance your experience while playing?

  • I agree with all you lovely people, who needs sound on green felt. Dilly! Dilly! :*

  • Dilly Dilly to you @Gerald64
    If it does happen...PLEASE...give us a mute button.

  • homedoggy...see my above post :)

  • Hello Helena,I also have tinnitus in bothears,although it doesn't seem to bother me too much[noise in stereo] I find,in my case,that concentrating on something like solitaire takes my mind off it.It can be a distressing condition and I hope it doesn't effect your quality of life too much.All the best.

  • Just remembered.I have two hearing-aids [both ears].Using these can reduce the effects of tinnitus for me.I believe the sensitivity of the aids picks up extraneous sound which to a certain extent overrides or masks the soaring sound I experience,just like your radio.Just thought I'd say this.Enjoy your solitaire Helena.

  • Hello, Helena, don't know how to play Klondike , guess it works on all games, no pop up,no ads, no sound, time to kick up some background noise music and games relaxes me when I am playing, and messaging all my favorite people, Dilly! Dilly! Everybody have a good day, :o B)

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