8 times on top

How does 'lasso' manage to be on top in 8 games within a timespan of one hour ????


  • Easy.I've done it.It's practice coupled with experience.That's the answer to your question.

  • I also start right when all the new games come out. Sometimes i am the first player to play the game, so all i need to do is finish.

  • you can finish, that doesn't mean you'll be on top.....

  • @Abacus please expand on your last comment. I don’t understand what you are implying.

  • I don't understand what game you are talking about, thou only been here for a little while, as I have gone on. I basically only play free cell, as it has been explained to you it takes time to practice, some probably are not up to speed with others that have been here for a long time, even I don't finish in top 20, I play for fun not competition , to get help from the people who asked you to expand your query , someone may be able to help you,

  • This reminds me of 3bc...everyone always complaining about him being at the top of the leader board and playing a game in just a few seconds. Things would get kind of nasty at times. It didn't seem to bother him/her. Abacus, if I remember correctly you weren't overly fond of 3bc's winning ways.

    I don't know what happened to 3bc...haven't seen him in a long time. I kind of miss the guy/gal.

  • lasso has explained that she has a touch screen that helps her. Nothing wrong with using that.

  • Y'know...sad really...
    the number of times, in my short time on the site
    that lasso, jabba and others have had to explain and defend the fact that they are better
    at these games than most of us. And through it all, they have been helpful and friendly.
    Good on ya,

  • homedoggy, I agree. We could all use a good solid dash of the humility they show. We all need to remember that winning is not the only thing...and losing is not the end of the world.

    Enjoy the games

  • I play disc golf with friends...and at the end of the round, we shake hands and are genuinely happy for whoever
    won on that particular day. We keep score so we know how we measure up but really...we weren't playing each other. We were playing against the course.
    So...when I'm on the site, I try to remember that it's SOLITAIRE...the only score that matters is my own.

  • Following from my previous answer which comes over as rather curt for which I apologise,Lasso can play any game in any way she wants without being questioned about it,and she has no need to defend or explain her playing to anyone.Time and again there are those who question the results of others,mainly their speed of play or seek to change the rules to suit their own short-comings.This is a game not an inquisition.The answer is,and always will be,to improve your game to your satisfaction and let others play as they want.I feel strongly that some may feel intimidated by these kind of comments and leave the site.This would be a sad development.The approach to these games has always been light.hearted and generous in response to others who ask for help and advice and that's the way it should continue.It would be nice if others did the same instead of complaining.I make no apologies for this outburst.Enjoy your games.

  • Competitive spirit is what its all about and really who cares who wins. It is all about having fun.

  • For me personally, I tend to play the easiest type games first and leave the harder ones ie: forty and spider till last. That way you can zip through and take time on the biggies. Some days are just easier than others too and other days you can be stumped for ages trying to figure the cards out to get a good score

  • I mostly just play Seahaven and some days I can hit the top ten for hours but then I hit days were I can't win a game for the life of me. It's fun win or lose for me.

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