Backserver unavailable

I'm tired of the backend server being unavailable!!
Freecell is no fun if I can't get my scores


  • Try being grateful for a site that lets you play any and all games FREE of cost and FREE of ads......instead of complaining.

  • I agree with justhere

  • here here justhere, want some cheese to go with that whine, @****** ?

  • The kind and generous men who created and run this site are working on fixing the problem. Please be patient and grateful @******. Good one @-WeeGee-

  • It's not the end of the world.Be patient and understanding with Jim and David...........there is always something else to fill you'r there?


    A little update. Our two new 4TB SSDs have arrived and the data is being copied to them. The two 8TB SSDs we had seemed to slow down all of a sudden. There is still, after a year, only one maker of these, so we decided to go back to our two old 4TBs, and add to them two new ones. We no longer trust the big ones. It’s been over 24hrs and we are just at 50% copied. We hope it will get better today sometime, but we are not sure we are even on the right track.

  • Been there - sometimes in the land of computers you close your eyes and throw a dart. Jim, you and Dave are kind and generous people. It is an honor to share Greenfelt with you

  • Thank you SO much Green Felt Guys for all that you do to keep offering the best solitaire site online. Suddenly a few minutes ago everything seems to be back and the Discussions page recognizes me once again. Yay! Love this site!!

  • A little over 8 hours since @jim posted and the backend server seems to be behaving normally — it's as fast as status quo ante. Fingers crossed!

  • @jim (Green Felt Guy) a thought, maybe mostly for other users to comment on ... why not get rid of some of old data (games info) so would require less TB of storage? Instead of going back to game 1 of each, start at game 1,000 or game 10,000? Discussion, fellow GreenFelters?

  • Peace and tranquillity reign once again.Thanks to Jim and David.......a big thanks.

    edited September 23

    The verdict is in. Our response time is down from tens of seconds to milliseconds again and we are returning, to players, successful http responses (2xx) almost all the time! It was the 8TB SSDs after all.

    1167 x 1824 - 711K
  • Thanks guys! Everything looks to be working great again! Nice going!!!

  • thanks guys ,you may have just saved what little sanity I have left , as greenfelt is the only sort of social life I have . I think we should call you Guardians of The Solitaire Galaxy , Inc. Earth Division , and may your joules , hertzes and those giga things and all that other stuff reign supreme . thank you

  • I love you, Green Felt Guys! You help me so much after a hard day at work helping those with SUD and MH issues in NYC, whom I actively listen to, and try to help them feel loved, and show them how to learn to love themselves again. The world is such a difficult place to problem-solve, but it is so great to have a few free, and I mean FREE, moments to unwind, and play cards, and problem-solve in a relaxing way. Keep up the great programming. We love you, GREEN FELT GUYS! You are definitely felt here at my home!

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