Minutes & seconds should line up under each other. Single minute should have 2 blanks to its right.

Game: klondike
Game #: 411106977
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
Window: 2321x1165
JS-Version: 2024-06-09_16:14:27_-0700_d9fd059e23755822b8060fac72b5d3d4cf822e9d

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • 2 minutes 10 seconds
    not 2 minutes

  • Right? Because this kind of misalignment is simply intolerable!


    Thanks for the feedback, @NoSoupForYou!, and for taking the time to mark up a screen shot. Games sometimes take hours or weeks and in that case we’ll do 1w3d or 3d5h, which doesn’t really fit with the alignment. Nonetheless, your complaint is valid and we should make the common case look better and alignment would help. Hmm.

  • kat14kat14 REGISTERED
    edited June 16

    I don't mind the misalignment -- it's nice and neat on the right edge! Besides, what do you do with the single digit seconds? Add the useless 0 in front or a space, either of which is ugly in my view. Probably a lot of work for minimal returns.

  • INTOLERABLE??? Talk about a low threshold of pain. How are about SPITTING ON THE SIDEWALK or maybe
    the SMELL OF TOBACCO. The date is in YYMMDD format are you an American?? WE favor MMDDYY!!
    Play on

  • Umm, I guess I should apologize. Not for complaining about this but because my attempt at humor in lampooning DuwayneLafley’s complaint fell so flat. I thought my hyperbole was sufficiently over the-top that it would clear that it was entirely in jest.
    Now I’m off to see if I can unquit my day job and cancel the gigs I lined up on the comedy circuit…

  • @NoSoupForYou! I am the one to say OOOPS - I wrote my diatribe late at night before I went to bed. As I dozed off I realized "IT'S A JOKE" and fell asleep. As in the movies, when someone does something heinous or stupid or deadly they say "sorry about that". To misquote Macbeth PLAY ON, but No Soup For You.

  • @NoSoupForYou! I think your comment was misconstrued only because your avatar is so similar to the original poster @DuwayneLafley 🤔 at first glance it looked like you were emphatically illustrating ‘your’ original concern, but now I see where you were coming from 😂

    Although in defence of @DuwayneLafley many players enjoy the games because of the patterns and sense of order they provide, so I can understand why the scoring alignment might feel uncomfortably untidy - if you see what I mean

  • Seems like we all went a little nuts! I admit I didn't pay attention to the posters' monikers.

  • Proverbial mountain from molehill. As our great pal Grahame would advise ... enjoy this site and play on.

  • @sierrarose. I didn't notice the difference...........too busy playing.Take care.

  • @graeme Thanks for being tolerant; mind on other (sad) things last night

  • @ Sierrarose Don't be sad.There's always tomorrow.Time softenes memories and eases pain.Sooner or later the sun comes out.Nice to hear from you.Look after yourself.

  • Wait... I want to more about which games can take days or even weeks to complete???

  • Olympics?

  • @graeme 😂 maybe medals for triple jump Klondike 3

  • @SleepyJA maybe the longest times to complete a game is because a player was distracted - phone call, visitor, made a cup of tea and forgot all about the game until much later …

  • Add falling asleep, waking up an hour later!

  • @fingsaint/sierrarose If I took longer than 15/20 minutes on a game,I think I would be in danger of falling asleep.Don't think I have ever taken that long on a gamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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