Game: klondike
Game #: 562489628
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anonymous zero
Uncle Horace, the 87th in line to the English throne is anonymous, Zorro is also, Zeppo Marx is not. Zinger is a sharp and sarcastic comeback, but I remember it as a TEA - I think. ZUZU - of course, is NOT anonymous. Prisoner of Zenda, is Zenda holding someone captive or a small castle in Bulgaria? Zasu Pitts - not anonymous but a trivia bonus point. Anyone named Zelda is an entertainment media joke. Syzygy - contains a "Z" but is not relevant here.
In a loving family no one is an anonymous zero.
We are all Anonymous. 90% of games on Green Felt are played anonymously. You can expect anonymous to win.
I like playing against the anonymice.It improves my game...........what's anonymous zero?...some super-duper player.Will have to keep an eye out for him.Take care everyone.