My whole family plays Scorpion and forty thieves; it is a competition. How can I send around games I have won ?
When I cut and paste the url it doesn't take me the right game. It has worked perfectly until recently. Any ideas ??
When the game is over and your score pops up, you will see 'challenge a friend to this game' in yellow letters. Click on that and off you go. Since you didn't see the reply the last time you asked, I'll send a message to your activity page.
This might help?
This is 100% supposed to work, if you have the right URL. For example the URL for todays's Forty Thieves looks like
Notice the game number on the end. If you click on this link and it doesn't take you that specific game, please let us know. We certainly haven't changed anything on our end.
Note, you probably already know this, but you can find the URL for a given game by right clicking (or long pressing from a tablet or phone) on the game number found in the button bar next to the game of the day button and copying the link. If you normally tap on or click the number you will, possibly counterintuitively, be able to edit it the number to choose a different game.
Have fun,