Cookies, Cookies, We Love Cookies (so let's all share)
We started with computer cookies on another post, and then drifted to edible ones. Now let's share our favorites. I love em all so I'll "chip" in often. Starting with shortbread with pecans.
"Chip in?" Nice.
Don't remember cookie name; Mother baked a cake-type cookie (55 years ago!) that was the hit of the neighborhood, from then Betty Crocker recipe book. No longer have recipe book. Gave it to a friend who collected 'antique' cookbooks. Maybe I should give myself to said friend!
As long as you stay our friend Sierrarose, the cookies' name doesn't matter.
Madeleines. I can eat a whole damn package. Not too sweet, tons of serotonin is spiking just thinking about them. And don't be dipping them in chocolate, even though I love me some chocolate. Just dust them with a little powdered sugar, and keep 'em coming.
My lovely wife, Annette, once made a batch of oatmeal cookies using the recipe on the back of the Quaker Oats can. Some friends tried them and asked for the recipe so my wife wrote it down calling it Annette's Oatmeal Cookies changing it a tiny bit so as not to get in trouble with the Quaker Oats people. These same folks have been making these cookies for 20 years now. Cake&termDataSource=d6fb75f5-d19a-49cd-9ba0-c10a6e45afb2
Thanks @riverrat55 for starting me off on an hour+ internet Betty Crocker recipe search. I think I found it! A sour cream cookie.
And do you know what those antique Betty Crocker cookbooks are worth now!?! $$ Hugs everyone
My mother made that sour cream cookie. Delicious.
I have a craving for oatmeal scotches. That and a glass of milk.