Offensive Player Names
“JoetheMolerster”???? Give me a break. What’s wrong with people? This is offensive and should be removed.
I've mentioned these before and agree with you. I have noticed that these intellectually deprived ones play only the easiest games (Klondike) and are NEVER seen winning seriously difficult ones like Spider or Addiction.
What is a Molerster?
Back to offense free Addiction.
Touch of sour-grapes perhaps?
Some people will only be happy when things are all only their way, and at their insufficient vocabulary level (I don't mean you homedoggy). As the song by Tears for Fears says, " Everybody wants to rule the world "
Yes, taking refuge in Spider.
Why give them the attention they are obviously craving - better to ignore kids unwanted behaviour till they become bored of being overlooked and outgrow their childishness!
well now, i just got a text from joe, i cant share all of it but he did say "u can call me anything but latte for dinner"