Why is this site so messed up
Why do you think it's messed up? I don't have any problem with it -- it seems to be a very good site. If you are going to complain, you need to be a little more specific.
How’s that
I think @chumjack meant it to read "Why? Is this site so messed up?" Commas are important.
I'm confused. What's wrong with Freecell? Is it ill?
@homedoggy. Yes, they are. "Let's eat Grandma" vs "Let's eat, Grandma."
Please, please don't eat grandma. I like living. And I'm still a fair cook. ☺
......and I thought I had heard it all, Eating Grandma
Why do you think it's messed up? I don't have any problem with it -- it seems to be a very good site.
If you are going to complain, you need to be a little more specific.
How’s that
I think @chumjack meant it to read
"Why? Is this site so messed up?"
Commas are important.
I'm confused. What's wrong with Freecell? Is it ill?
@homedoggy. Yes, they are. "Let's eat Grandma" vs "Let's eat, Grandma."
Please, please don't eat grandma. I like living. And I'm still a fair cook. ☺
......and I thought I had heard it all, Eating Grandma