idiot programmers
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1896522730
---WHO THE HELL plays solitaire with a TIMER and a CARD COUNTER? Are those two items included with a deck of playing cards? N O! WHY are these items in THIS GAME? WHY DO YOU FORCE SHIT DOWN OUR THROATS? These items SHOULD BE OPTIONAL! Your IT staff lacks intelligence. If I were playing this game with a deck of playing cards, there would NOT be a timer, NOR would there be a card counter included with the deck.
I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about how long it takes me to finish the game, NOR DO I give a fuck as to how many cards remain in the draw pile. THAT IS PART OF THE GAME but, you people are only interested in MONEY! Get the program out and start raking in the dough! Forget about the errors and bugs, WE WANT MONEY.
GET THIS INTO YOUR HEADS - TIMERS and CARD COUNTERS are OPTIONS! DO NOT MAKE THESE ITEMS MANDATORY. THEY ARE UNNECESSARY! And one more thing - the occurrence of cards with the same suit and same value (e.g. 7H, 7H) happen FAR MORE OFTEN than would happen in the REAL world. 5 or 6 "pairs" of cards IN ONE GAME!?! THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN WITH A DECK OF CARDS! This problem can be fixed with a simple line of code but, you people do this PURPOSELY to make the game UNWINNABLE! And I KNOW that you will do NOTHING to make this game more enjoyable.
Have you considered switching to decaf?
No one forces you to look at the scoreboard -- just click it off. Or better yet, don't make your last move and don't click "Give Up", just go to a new game. No need to be abusive. This is a great site with a lot of nice people who are having fun wasting some time and talking to each other. You're the one trying to ruin it. What are you talking about: "Start raking in the dough"??? Have you paid any dues/membership fees on this site??? Do you see any ads???
I'll never see'll probably never be back...especially after your heart attack...But why the rant?
How much money is this site costing you? I get a discount because I am old and I try not to curse...most of the time.
Just kidding...this site costs it's user $0 and their staff (as far as I know) is only 2.
@homedoggy I drink 1/2 caff in the morning to get myself moving and then switch to decaf after lunch to keep myself calm and not hurt anyone. I can still be a witch at times so I am not sure that the OP switching will help. Maybe he was just born to be a rebel. He definitely is opinionated.
Now surely, this is a troll. Can anyone really be so witless and self-entitled as to believe such tripe?
(Reads the news) Ok, so maybe it’s not a troll.
homedoggy, that was exactly what I was thinking as I read this. Dude or dudette....take a deep breath and go to your happy place....maybe with a Valium?
I sometimes wonder when the boys will throw in the towel. They run this site for free and get a lot of crap for a thank you. I wouldn't do this for anything. greenfeltsucks - have you thought about hitting the porn sites; might help you relax.
Looks like the genius behind this other thread learned how to create another username. Observe the IP address...
Jeepers, I hope this doesn’t count as another count of doxing!
This thread seems like a good candidate to ignore so it slides into oblivion.
Wow, @greenfeltsucks, there's a lot to unpack here. First off, what do you mean by card counters? Do you mean the score at the end? It's just the number of cards you managed to get into the foundation piles (it's easy to tell how many cards are in a foundation and you can just add them in your head if you are playing with a real deck of cards). We like it because when you don't win it gives you a sense of how far you got. Note that you don't have to bring up the high score table and look at your scores. If you just click "New Game" or "Replay" you will never ever see high scores again…
I'm curious about your conspiracy theory that we purposely build a bad shuffle in to make games unwinnable. Exactly why would we do that? What's the benefit to us giving you stuff that's purposely impossible? I'd love to hear the nefarious scheme (especially if it somehow makes us money!) because maybe there's a reason to start doing this!
As to the one line fix for the shuffle, we don't believe there's anything wrong with that code, but we're quite open to any fixes you wish to submit. You can just paste the patch here in the forum and we'll take a look. But I suspect this is just a Clustering illusion.
Also, I might add: we are not forcing you to play Green Felt Solitaire. If you dislike the game, you are of course 100% free to not play it. If I were a little snarkier, I might say "playing the game is OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL.". But I try hard not to be rude here.
David, perfect response. Loved the last 2 lines.
. You have the patience of a saint.
wtg david, my thought was to put that guy on the table with the pineapple etc.
There is a thread on the forum that says "ignore the swearers, pains in the ass, etc, etal" but how do you ignore a troll like "greenfeltsucks" who creates a new handle just to be an asshat?? Deep Breathing? Religion? Drugs? NO!!
Its done by posting a fantastic video and laughing at the someone who goes to all the effort they went through just to be obnoxious and a 1st class dyed in the wool professional ASSHAT. Play on greenfelt friends.
Well, since the player will probably never come back to read the responses, I'm going to follow my rule of ignoring said poster. And hoping this drops into oblivion.
I do wish he would read @david's reply.
Like so many of their ilk, they don't bother with responses - THEY are correct, period. To quote "sad".
That's another reason I like greenfelt. We can rise above the slime and much. 😉 Play on ye lovers of good and right!
P. S. Great response @David
Next time it gets buried, please don't bring it back! Thank you.
oopsy 🐒
Graeme they are not playing nice in the sandbox could you give the unruly one some tea please ?
Ta mate !
for all of u who believe we should think, act, and be just like everyone else
Hello mistinask.It's turning into a madhouse lately.Our responses are just what these malcontents intended.Best left well alone.I doubt that tea would help in this instance.Just started the day with tea,toast and marmalade....ready to face the day and all it presents.Take care my friend play on and ignore these time wasters.Just not worth the effort.
graeme, you are so right. Yes they are getting the attention they craved, plus a lot of unnecessary BS thrown in on top. Hope all is well with you and yours. Your tea, toast and marmalade sounds delightful and is making me hungry. Think it's time to eat.
luv this guy, he makes me laff .. .. .. he gets a big ole YEE HAW!!! 🤠
tucsonsky..he is really funny!
. Thanks.....I got a good laugh out of it.
Hello binky3.All fine here.Hav'nt played much lately.As well as gardening in this fine weather,I've been watching the Olympics.Looking forward to a nice Cornish pasty for lunch followed by more sport.Take care.
howdy justhere, happy to hear u got a good laff! have a groovy day! 🤠
Thank you....have a groovy day yourself!
i had this same thought while sitting in the coffee shop near the UofA this morning .. .. ..
I resent his remarks, .. I think, what was he talking about? Excuse me I have to walk very fast or I'll wet my pants.
I may be back shortly, what did you say your name was?
tucsonsky, that was really, really funny! Thanks.
ur so very welcome! 😎
It wasn't funny. It was hilarious. You're so good at finding great stuff.
BTW, U of A as in?
University of Arizona, here in Tucson .. .. .. thanks for the positive feedback!
is Maria Bamford too hip for this room? possibly, but i absolutely adore her .. .. .. this bit is from her 1-hour show "weakness is the brand"
another day, another breakfast .. .. .. who's hungry?
tuesday, august 3 11:21 a.m.
who does this remind u of?
monday, august 23 8:00 a.m.
the answer to yesterday's question is .. .. .. Luke Combs ex-future-mother-in-law
tuesay, august 24 11:15 a.m.
from may 2020
wednesday, august 25 4:35 p.m.
"The current title is fine. We try to have a light touch here, moderation-wise. But on that topic, @tucsonsky, I deleted your comment—it was off-topic and over-argumentative. Taking someone's private correspondence public is generally not cool—the only time I can think of when it's justified is if someone is being egregiously abusive, harassing, or threatening. That did not seem to be the case here."
well, thank u david, is this egregiously abusive enuff?