Doesn't do a bit of good to report one of many bugs

Game: klondike
Game #: 104319025
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36
Window: 1327x731
JS-Version: 2021-07-01_21:53:26_-0700_073f291b2e50363b317f3b2317168846c20d766a

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Forget it, folks. Klondike cares less that yawhore about what you think of if you have any bugs. They sit around an laugh at your concerns.


  • You've visited the site 12 twelve times. You've made 8 bug reports and 3 comments, and only one positive. @david has made suggestions as have others. Your concerns have been answered (and I think rather politely), although either you don't read them or you just ignore them. No one else seems to be having the same problem you mention. That kind of makes me wonder. . . If only one person is having a problem, it doesn't seem that there is much Jim or David can do about it. It sort of points to your system, and your snarky comment isn't really called for.

  • Just because it bugs him does not mean it's an actual bug. So many of us have offered answers. Your excellent response will be ignored too, @kat14.

  • He might get the kavech of the year award.

  • Your issues and concerns we take very seriously.
    But your kaveching cracks me up.

    Thx @azgal for the Word of the Day.

  • I sent this player a message to check all his earlier posts for solutions. But I'm done. Let's just do what has been suggested and ignore this player who ignores us.

  • gracious. I was about to chime in with a snarky comment and then thought of @graeme 's comment about refreshing to see the word 'happy.' Everyone have a wonderful day.

  • My two cents...when a person words a post like this they are not looking for a constructive response. For some reason they enjoy tossing a turd into the punchbowl and walking away. I think the less attention to them, the better...for them and for us. Again, just my two cents.

  • C'est la vie ladies and gents.enjoy you'r day!

  • homedoggy, you're welcome.

  • Oh the humanity! Ask for a refund.
    Can anyone translate "less that yawhore" ?

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