Score board
Game: pyramid
Game #: 13606330
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15
Window: 768x893
JS-Version: 2021-06-27_15:58:15_-0700_2eee8e65200d183c05211656c24f8b2c2774a41a
Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:
When the game is done and the score board comes up it’s very large
Score board is too large
That's because people complained it was too small. It's perfect on a laptop. I was just coming in to thank them for that adjustment. It was fine before, but it's finer now.
Playing on an ipad in portrait orientation the score widow close button is off the screen. Rotate to landscape though and all is good.
Wow I’m on an iPad. It’s so large you can only see the middle of it
Yeah-that's big.
Agree. Much too big for iPad users. Please change to a smaller gauge. Thanks.
@jim and/or @david
Thanks @EasyZ, we just made a change to make the high score table more readable, but sometimes it gets too big and goes off the screen. We fixed your case, but maybe it's still broken for others. Let us know if the highscore box goes off the screen for you.
Thanks @jim much better now
Thank you so much Jim. This is much better
still too big on an HP 15" laptop - how about just making it adjustable? is that possible - seems crazy to fix each individual problem ("We fixed your case, but maybe it's still broken for others")
IPad? Lap top? I am old. I have PC.
@hondochica3, would you make a separate bug report? Doing so will include your screen size, so we can make sure it works for you.
I’m playing on an iPhone and can’t get to the next game. I can’t do a separate bug report because I keep getting an error message.
Always good to start the day with a smile.Play on folks!
on an iPad the score is too large
Yes, too big! Can it go bigger than it was but not as big as it is now?
Too large for my Chrome Notebook laptop. It doesn't go off the screen but so big it takes over and feels like it's ready to attack. (Yes, I may have paranoia issues.)
I have a laptop and board so large i cannot access the X to close the window. I have to go to leaderboard. If i make it smaller, the cards are too small.
@jim its too large for my laptop too, cant see the times, close it or start a new game unless I go full screen which is really annoying
Still too large @jim. It was fixed yesterday but for some reason the size was back to covering most of my screen.
Don't know how you did it so quickly. Size is perfect. Thanks @jim.
I changed the high score pop up size once again. I hope it's better. Please let us know how it is. If you are on desktop try resizing your window with the high score popped up. If it looks bad, take a screenshot and let us know. If you have a phone or ipad, try both orientations.
Hi @jim the scoreboard for both orientations on iPad are ok for size now. Thanks.
Separately FYI, probably connected to that issue, the frame for the scores on Hopeless hasn’t expanded to fit the larger font e.g.
Thanks, @fingsaint. Totally connected.