I got msg this a.m. saying Greenfelt had a “data leak” which puts accounts @hugh risk of compromiseC

There was a msg saying Greenfelt had a data leak & passwords were compromised. That this put acts into a high risk of compromise.I was urged to change my password immediately which puts accounts @high risk of compromise


  • What are you clowns doing.?

  • Has there actiually BEEN A DATALEAK which you neglected to inform me of?

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited June 2021

    What data does Greenfelt have? They don't require payment. They don't ask our real names or addresses. Please calm down. There is no data leak. There is no data to be leaked.

    I would not click on the link in any email.

  • Sounds like a scam.

  • My B.S. detector is going "BONG, BONG, BONG'

  • What data have you given to Greenfelt other than a username and a password? They don't ask for credit card, bank accounts, social security, or even address and phone number. So what could be leaked? There are many unscrupulous people out there who try to scare you so you WILL give THEM your info and pay them to supposedly clean up the so-called (fake) leak. Don't even consider that. It's a scam.

  • Also-it is not a good idea to ever use the same password on different sites.

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