Forty Thieves
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 414531202
What would you like to see?
<!-The option of having the deck on the right side so my hand doesn’t obstruct the board.- (This will be posted publicly in our forum so don't include any private information, please be polite, and check back in the forum later to see if someone has addressed your request) -->
Hi @Madga just checking that you mean having both the deck and the discard pile moved from the left hand side across to the right hand side of the screen?* I think this is a common request and from earlier comments I think it’s on the green felt guys ‘to do’ list. @jim
Mind you, any change will no doubt have a deluge of detractors before it’s eventually accepted or rejected
I promise I will be indifferent.
It really depends on how players use handheld touch devices. I prefer the deck in the current LHS position as the cards be quickly turned over using the left thumb but from what @Madga says it seems as though they just use the right hand to both deal and play. I guess it isn’t a problem either side for mouse clickers?
I'm old. I still use a PC with a mouse. But it's a wireless mouse. Up graded a few years back.
What's a wireless mouse?Does it speak to you.I could do with one of those........I'm old as well.......who cares.Play on!
Hello azgal.We both seem to do well for a couple of oldies.Stay safe.