
A question for those of you who are addicted to punishment and play Alternation (you know who you are ;D )
Do you click all cards (or touch them) after every play to see if anything can be played. I haven't figured that out. It's a mindless game, but I do feel like I'm banging my head against the wall...


  • Welcome to the flat spot on your head society, yes you can click and the deal will either move a card or not.
    Not all moves are advantageous so you can retract the move. Mindless indeed, it's all up to the deal.
    I play occasionally just to frustrate myself. Have fun

  • Hello jezzbelle.I find as'pirin helps.....followed by recuperation in a darkened room.This game is only for the masochistically inclined.

  • You talking to me?

  • @graeme - My memory is fading but was it you who won a game of the aforesaid ALTERNATION eons ago??

  • Hello Ptownpapa................I wouldn't like to say.jezzbelle knows who we are.We've been found out.

  • Good day sir, I am not proud of my failing, I was seduced by ALTERNATION'S beguiling simplicity. I have
    pledged to never touch keys or mouse click the scurrilous lout again unless under the influence of a few beers.
    I'm sure @jezzbelle and @homedoggy will not be offended. A good brew conquers all after all. Spring is in the

  • Funny you should say that.I am at present on my second large glass of wine.This has enabled me to tackle the above mentioned.However,I do enjoy a good pint or even a large whisky which,unfortunately impairs my judgment to the point where I am liable to fall asleep.Enjoy you'r brew as well as you'r game.Cheers!

  • Enjoy the day my friend.

  • I like to see what is behind the card so I can start to make a plan of play. Generally I want smaller cards to be showing so I can get rid of them first or so if any low cards come up on the deal I can put them on the stack (hopefully) and I don't miss out on them. The sooner you can clear a stack the better for the same reasons.

  • In my menu of games I don't have "Alternation" listed. How do I find it? Thanks

  • Hi @justhere Alternation is part of the secret games cache. You can find the link to it in FAQ at point 13 of the Solitaire Games Section.

  • Good morning, fingsaint. Thanks for your answer. I found it! Wasn't sure what I was doing with it but it was fun to try. :)

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