Winnable games
URL: /leader
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I usually browse through the scores until I find a game that people have won. Then I play that game to see if I can win too. It would be nice to have a feature to show only winnable games.
thanks! KC66
At the risk of getting all semantical (as is my won’t), wouldn’t it really be “Won Games”rather than “Winnable”? I mean it’s not like the site would be analyzing whether a game can be won.
A twist on this idea would be to show the best score recorded (be it by time or moves or points); if not yet won, then indicate that. This would not meet your desire as neatly as a special “only won games” mode for the New Game button, but it would serve double duty by also showing useful information to players like me who like to know the score to beat before starting a game—whether it’s a speed demon’s delight or a real tester. Anyway, this could be achieved by simply flashing the Top 10 for a second upon loading a game.
Maybe just an option to sort new games by highest scores first. They seem to be sorted by the number of people who have played that game recently because as I'm checking the scores, I always get the longer lists of scores first and then as I go click through "new game", the list of scores starts to diminish,
@KC66, there are a lot of shuffles. Every hour we direct people to a new set shuffles that no one has ever played before. Naturally more people play the shuffles earlier in the list. We don't know if they are winnable beforehand, but just because someone hasn't won them, doesn't mean they aren't. It might just mean they are a challenge to win. At a high level, rather than "winnable" games, or as @DeusExMachina said, "won" games, I'd like to surface games that are hard to win. Games that only a few people have won after many people have tried.
@jim You’re making me drool
Can you construct a game that is impossible to win? Lacking that, I would hypothesize that all games are winnable.
Hi @Dave007 do you have a certain game in mind e.g. Freecell or do you mean all games of solitaire? I’m fairly sure that some games cannot be completed.
Hello Dave007.I don't believe that you can construct a game that is impossible to win but what would be the point?In regard to completion,in Klondike there certainly are games that can't be resolved.I've tried hard enough but that's part of the attraction and challenge of these games.Enjoy you'r games and stay safe.
Dave007 try alternation - it's flaming hard and not often that someone gets a win