I have trouble signing in. My handle is coach marty And my password is cheese. It is no longer recog

Game: freecell
Game #: 43022367
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15
Window: 1366x954
JS-Version: 2021-03-18_09:52:24_-0700_98607fc7a04d2032255616de125bc148f65a117c

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Questions like yours always confuse me @Coacmarty because you have to be logged into the site to post a question on the forum. Perhaps your computer logs in for you and then you are trying to log in again manually.
    Giving out your sign on and password is never a good idea though.
    Have fun.

  • Thank you for saying that,@homedoggy.

  • @Coacmarty : we’re going to need your mother’s maiden name, your social security number (the whole thing, not just the last four digits), and your Zip code to help with this. [In case it’s not self evident, I’m kidding — just riffing off the fact that you posted a password on a public forum. By the way, if you use that password anywhere else, you might want to change it. Not kidding this time!]
    @homedoggy: signing into the forum is at least quasi-independent of the game site. You can be signed into one account while playing—or none—and a different one here. So if you’re having trouble signing in on the gaming side but you never signed out of the forum, you’d be able to post here.

  • Home doggy, I need your help. I just got a new lap top. I can't sign into GF on it. It tells me my password is invalid. Im using old laptop. do I need to remove it from old laptop in order to sign in on new one. i look forward to your response. and deus your not going to get my name, rank, or serial number ;P

  • I can spell. Computer can't.

    edited March 2021

    Hi @Coacmarty (no h) or should I say @Coachmarty,

    Please take note that your username is capitalized and does not have any spaces. That is why you could not login, you were using lowercase with a space.

    This is a public forum, so I suggest that you change your password to something new once you login by clicking here: https://greenfelt.net/account.

    Have fun,

  • Hey @jezzbelle ... like jim said ...the site is case sensitive...so make sure you're using caps in the right places.

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