The cards have taken-over the game again. It is impossible to play the game this way.
Game: klondike
Game #: 449732336
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; rv:11.0) like Gecko
JS-Version: 2020-12-02_12:44:05_a96f71bb9adb1d7c3cb7a93c75040c0a0e201e24
The cards go crazy-the cards take over the game, also , when we click for the next card - -more than one card appears. Please correct. THANK YO!!!
I think you are shouting into the abyss @Josephine2020
Click here:
It's so much more fun to just post a new post-rather than read the solutions or suggestions on the forum.
To paraphrase the words of Inigo Montoya "I don't think that 'forum' means what they think it means."
Also, I just played the game. I won the game. The cards were totally not crazy. I cannot always say the same about me.
Oh, those pesky insects, you try and try but they just come right back.
‘tain’t the cards that’s crazy.
Pure pilot error.
If you can’t figure out how this site flies, maybe think about grounding yourself, and break out an ol’ analog deck of cards to get your solitaire fix.
Yes.They tried to get in through the window but I just managed to close it in time.Thanks for the warning,will keep a close look-out in future.Almost time for lunch........Welsh Lamb.Keep safe everyone.
Mine do this...but I like it.
@graeme. Is Chris cooking the lamb and how?, but no matter I'm sure it will be delicious. Please save me a bite. The insect to which I'm referring can smash right through a closed window. @homedoggy. You're right, these insects are rather calming, soothing one might say. (Notice I'm trying to speak as I imagine graeme does so I'll blend in when I move there). Joking of course.
Love the card ballet, @homedoggy.
I use "undo" a lot.