Klondike 3 incredibly fast times

Noting game of the day in particular, all of us see that there are sometimes times that are impossibly fast for winners--like 25-30 seconds to make 0ver 100 moves. no one won the10/17 "game of the day". But when you look at the results , you see a number of individual postings like the one I copied below:
"arriba 2020/10/16 7:39pm 1 1 0s"

The implication is these individuals made ONE move and KNEW this game could not be won. So, what is the story here? Others have inquired about extremely fast times before, but I've never seen a satisfactory answer!


  • Hi JRGranny....when you see a game that has been completed with times that you have mentioned... those times were achieved by a player using "Record and Replay Software" To explain ....if you are playing a game of Canfield and record the game using the software and achieve a time of say 3m then you can replay that game and achieve a time under 1m. There are super moves and auto complete function also. I use to use one of the programs on linux to record and replay....where you could set the replay to any % eg from 30 to 60 % faster. I gave up using the program because my wife said i was a cheat (which i was"}. I now enjoy just competing against my wife.....who regularly beats me.Believe me those super quick times are not achieved by regular keyboard or touch moves.

  • @FairGo: I don’t believe you.

  • Hi DuesExMachina..i have given a true and satisfactory answer to JRGranny. Just for you Dues....I can confirm that on several occasions i have played and beat Cyf a nick...on Canfield. "fact" .my nick on those occasions was "BlueDeck".

  • DeusExMachinaDeusExMachina REGISTERED
    edited October 2020

    I don’t question that you have used such an app. So have I—on precisely two occasions. See https://forum.greenfelt.net/discussion/8342/bots-work
    What I don’t believe is your assertion that “when you see a game that has been completed with times that you have mentioned... those times were achieved by a player using ‘Record and Replay Software’”
    You are not in any position to make that assertion—unless, that is, you’re confessing that you are personally responsible for all such amazingly fast times. Your apparent belief that no one could possibly achieve such fast times without resorting to a record/playback assist is evidence of nothing.

    And it’s Deus, not Dues.

  • Yes Deus......im referring to Klondike and Canfield....you "Deus" protest to loudly. Gee I thought that the initial conversation was with JRGranny.....she wanted to know the truth and i gave it. What ever you dig up means nothing to me. Maybe we should start a comp just for ppl using assisted software.. I've seen you help a lot of ppl on here complaining about the same subject that JRGranny has mentioned.....your main statement to them is ...practice......practice........practice..and you will achieve those times as the ppl that are achieving the fast times....i know that is far from the truth. As mentioned in her statement....JRGranny has never seen a satisfactory answer.

  • And Deus i replied with my other nick above.

  • BlackDeck is also FairGo

  • FairGo, Thanks! Had to be as you say.

  • Except when it is not. A lot of players are just really good.

  • I have zero concept of the computer program explanation you gave and i do not use super moves. Period.

  • Thanks JRGranny.....myself and my wife have been playing on this site for just over 3 yrs. There is a game played by Lasso ...3days ago ....they achieved a second place in Canfield with 1m13secs.....not possible without a record and replay program......i was not born yesterday...see what i mean JRGranny....no one can tell me otherwise.

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited October 2020

    Yes, we do get that no one can tell you otherwise, even the people who are playing the game..

    But it's an opinion, not a fact. That's all-it's an opinion. We all have them.

  • “We all have them...”
    ...and most of them stink

    I want to say I’ve heard there’s something else about which you can say that, but I’m drawing a blank.

  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited October 2020

    Hi @JRGranny looking at the scores for the Klondike 3 game in question, I think you are quite right that the top players could see from the score board that the best score achievable for this game was just 1 point. With this knowledge up front, it would be fairly easy to quickly place the Ace into a scoring position and to then click on the ‘give up’ button, hence scoring the winning 1 point in a super fast time. So checking out the potential best score before playing the game is often how players manage to score in quick time.

  • If I see no one ever won the game, I just don't play it. You don't need help to score one point in zero seconds.

  • I totally agree with JRGranny.

  • Yes Lasso.....you have no concept of "Record and Replay". Then why have you achieved a time of 1m 12 secs in todays canfield game. Im calling you out simple.Not possible.

  • You know this isn't the old West where a dude cheated you out of your ranch. "Calling you out."

    edited November 2020

    @Catch_A_Thief , @BlueDeck , @FairGo , and @JRGranny ... As everyone is repeatedly told, every time they ask this question... Those incredibly fast times that you can't imagine can be achieved without some "record and play" progam can, in fact, be achieved by much practice, practice, practice, and the skill that all that practice gives you. The person with the highest score generally hits the right cards, right away, to make the rest incredibly fast and easy to play.

    @Catch_A_Thief (who's only been here, by that user name a few hours), how long has @lasso been on this site and how may games of Canfield has she played over the years, so she could complete that game in 1:12? (Canfield # 1800998585)

    My question to everyone who's rankled about fast scores: Why do some people get so annoyed when they find that other people can play faster and/or better than they can?

  • Think ...that Sage spends too much time checking on peoples ip addresses......you are right ..Catch_A_Thief only registered today. But the truth of the matter is .....practice..practice...practice ...in Canfield will not allow a time of 1m 12 secs to win a game. Sage..Lasso probably the same person "who knows" stop trying to convince ppl on here that particular time is genuine. I have been playing Canfield on here for over 5 yrs. (not a newbie) . Cheers....

  • I've achieved a top score many times in good ole/plain ole Klondike.
    I've never used any app or alias to assist me, or any logged out practice, just two hands and a touch screen monitor.
    Look at my high number of moves, it sounds like I'm playing "Wipe Out" on my screen when I'm going after it.
    My style will never win on number of moves.
    Kind of what I would call, controlled panic,** that's how I like to play it**. Try it out if the spirit moves ya but no need to assume all fast scores are cheaters, 'cause they're not.

  • I don't understand any of the above.I use a mouse and a computer.I play fast because I understand the game [Klondike]'coupled with hand/eye co-ordination and 60 years of playing solitaire.Before the age of computers it was with cards,very laborious,but gave me the time to learn the game.Speed is not an intent in my case,it's the result of my experience playing this game.It's the way I play.These games are open to everyone to play for their own enjoyment and in anyway they want without being criticised by those who seem to be unhappy with the way they play.As far as I am concerned,the way anyone wants to play is fine by me.Play on and enjoy.Time for a cup of tea and a digestive.Stay safe everyone.

  • Ah...the voice of reason. Glad my scores don't warrant examination. Glad you guys are able to maintain decorum.

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