Scoring Error?

According to my calculations using your scoring definition, the score for the attached game should be 18, not the 14 shown. I've thought scores seemed low in the past, so I decided to calculate based on your information. Can you explain, as this seems to be a patter with Addiction?



    Thanks for your detailed report! The screenshot is perfect. We'll take a look.

  • Just as an FYI, I've checked all the games I have played since my original post, and only those with a score of 52 were correct per your posted scoring process, ALL the others were 2-4 points below what I calculated.


    Ok, I looked at this in detail and here's how it works: Each row gets scored based on the number of consecutive cards that count up from 2. So, for the game in your screenshot:

    Row 1:  2-8,  7 cards, score 4
    Row 2:  2-7,  6 cards, score 3
    Row 3:  2-5,  4 cards, score 1
    Row 4:  2-10, 9 cards, score 6

    Total score: 4+3+1+6 = 14

    Addiction doesn't count extra small runs that might exist at the end of a row. I think this might be where your discrepancy is coming in (it was confusing to me, too: I had to read the source code to remember how it worked :smile:).

  • Thanks. I just realized that I was counting one too many cards in each row. For example, Row 1 went through 8, so I counted 8 cards, not 7 (forgetting there was no ace). The same for the others. I think part of the confusion is that your scoring system's information allows for 13 (K would be 13 normally, but it's only 12 in Addiction). Since I saw the 13, I just assumed that the largest card in the run was the number of cards. Live and learn. Thanks for taking the time to research and answer. It was only your illustration (2-8, for example) that suddenly made me realize the "shortage" in each row. Keep up the good work.

  • One more item. When 2-K in each row is achieved, then the score is 52 even though only 48 cards are in place. 12 in a row should give a score of 11, which should give a score of 48 if all four rows are done. Also, if a "full row" is considered 13, how does everything else work? I see inconsistencies in the scoring procedure for Addiction. I would guess that a "bonus" is given for 2-K but actually 12 (score 11) would be an impossible number to achieve. Sorry to be a hassle, but I like logic, and I think it's a little bit kerfluffled here.


    It comes from the detail that we check for the game being "complete" at the same time we score it.
    We consider the row "complete" if it's 2-K in the same suit plus the blank at the end. This coincidentally goes to 13 when you count the blank so we lump that in with the score. So if a row has 2-K then some other card, you'll get 11 points (run of 12) and if it's 2-K with a blank you'll get 13 points.

  • Thanks for taking the time to explain. Whew. Now I know why I never became a computer programmer (other than being too old...that wasn't a option when I was young enough to learn).

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