Kings and Aces unit

Game: golf

I would really like to be able to put Kings on Aces or Aces on Kings to be able to complete a game of Golf and perhaps win one.


  • riverrat55riverrat55 REGISTERED
    edited December 2023

    @Arianate ,click on this link I am giving you for Top Secret Games , that include your wish of Golf , in this link scroll down to the questions in the Forum to #13 you will find two other versions of Golf that I play every now and then , Golf (Wrap Around) & Golf (Stop on Kings) and that will fulfill your request of Kings on Aces or Aces on Kings as these versions are suited for you. Enjoy , Have Fun, & Happy Holidays to you ! also as your Christmas Gift more games that are not listed or known by all

  • Hello riverrat55.Hope you and your mam are well.Glad to see you are still playing.May try Golf one day.Take care.

  • Hello @graeme,good to hear from you , mom and I are as well as could be, no major medical issues just having to deal with these cold , windy, wet weather everyday as we move into winter coming soon, Golf which is listed in the main games , and the 2 other versions listed under FAQ are all different as each version as different in many ways , my favorite version is Golf Wrap Around which allows you go Q K A K Q , all are quick action games til you figure the differences between the 3 Golf Games. Hope you and your wife are well and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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