Please stop changing the card backs on my games

Game: spider
Game #: 657099517

What would you like to see?


  • plain and dull

  • something plain like real cards NOT distracting

  • Like NORMAL REAL CARDS. WHAT DO you NOT understand ?

  • You must implement this yourself. On any game where card backs are visible, you'll find "Deck" (it's blue/green, with an orange squiggle under it) in the upper left hand corner of your screen. If you click on this, you'll see all the card back choices available. There is a check box above every choice. Click the check boxes of the card backs you like to only show those backs, when you play. Note: you will have to do this each time after you clear your cookies or clean up your computer.

  • Klatu....murada, nikkto

  • Murrad, it

  • @KLATU: You might want to check your CAPLOCK key. It seems to have gotten stuck.

  • What has happened you cannot choose the options of the cards

  • Today is the 'Dunma Daya Batuttma' or 'Day of the Joke' in Italy....kinda like April fools day.
    If you must... hit the 'Normal Cards' button.


  • same problem here, no option to have normal cards, changing deck back isnt working either, wuttza matta u?

  • look closely and u will not see "normal cards" option

  • Sorry @tucsonsky ...I was joking in hopes of avoiding a panic.

  • I never would've guessed that so many people used the Deck Back feature -- and that not one of them would _check_the forum before posting that the feature is broken!!!

    Good to know. Next time someone posts about an offensive username and includes the naughty word in the blessed title of the thread, that thread can be forced out of view by breaking Deck Back again and waiting 5 minutes...

  • no worries dog, have a groovy summer B)

  • Probably to acknowledge June 2 Festa della Repubblica? If so it will change back to normal on June 3

  • if opening the forum page took only one click and filing a complaint took 5 clicks, which one would happen more often?

  • I never notice the card backs.I'm more interested in what's on them.Each to his own.Stay safe everyone.

  • some people can't process more than two things the same time

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