Unlawful shuffling of the on deck cards, thus preventing any chance of winning the game

Game: klondike
Game #: 286174729
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Window: 1798x833
JS-Version: 2022-04-26_21:16:14_-0700_6d43c52f8435257fc2fd0d26bbc5c6c30b81c46d

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

I noticed in a close game there is a lot of shuffling on the on deck cards, one can't help but notice it, Weather I win or lose at least give me a fair game. Thanking you, in advance, for your attending to this matter. I don't like being screwed without satisfaction


  • Unlawful?

  • Shuffling? What/whose game are you playing. Greenfelt lays out the game - period - no "shuffling" unless you are referring to KLONDIKE making moves for you. Which you can un move at your discretion.

  • Just played that game.Can't see any evidence of 'unlawful shuffling' unless you are using the automatic move feature which is unreliable unless you know what you are doing.It's liable to splatter you'r cards all over the place.I can't see any other reason for you'r problem.The game is not 'policed'I may add.Enjoy you'r game.

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