Not posting my stats

URL: /leader
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JS-Version: 2021-05-13_21:02:42_-0700_ab89ecad80e64015f7a291c6eb2f0986d3467710

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

This only happens a couple times a week. For the past few weeks I've noticed that after I finish a game, I click on the "Leader Board" and see my standing. The next day, it is gone. My score on yesterday's game is gone. Last week it happened 3 times.


  • This only happens a couple times a week. For the past few weeks I've noticed that after I finish a game, I click on the "Leader Board" and see my standing. The next day, it is gone. My score on yesterday's game is gone. Last week it happened 3 times.


    Hi @exhippie,

    The game of the day changes at midnight GMT. For @david and I in California that’s 5pm. If you live on the east coast, it would change at 8pm. Is it possible you looked before 8pm one day and after 8pm the next?

    The other thing to check is the game number for the game you play and the games you are checking. It’s more likely you are looking at the wrong leader board than your game dropped out of our database, but both are possible. Either way, keep track of the game numbers, so you can include those in your report if it happens again.

    Have fun,

  • Not able to see my number of moves!!

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