
Game: freecell
Game #: 666137985

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The Internet connection goes down a LOT where I live. Can I download Green Felt Freecell to play offline?


  • From what I understand, there is no "download" available. However, if you have a game open in your browser when the connection goes down, you should be able to continue playing. It will not keep your score and you won't be able to switch to another game, say to Klondike or Spider, but you should be able to go to another Freecell game.

    edited June 2021

    @kat14, is right that as long as you keep a browser tab open with each game you want to play, you should be fine. We queue up game results and will try to send them when the internet comes back up. You can see the number of games in the queue next to a little spade in the upper right corner. If you click on the spade we will try right then to send your game results.

    EDIT: love your name, @SellahPhayne!

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