Notification when game is finished

Game: klondike3
Game #: 241668653

What would you like to see?

A notification when the game is finished and a hints.



    Since you can always undo, we don't ever think a game is finished until you have won. With respect to hints, we have decided not to implement them as they conflict with the high score tables. By checking the high score list you can often tell if a game is winnable. I find knowing that a game is winnable is often enough to get me to go back and figure out where I went wrong.

  • I like the "no hints". When I played on another site I found myself looking too much at the "hint" light and not really paying attention to the board. And I remember I was getting really bored with it all....and then I found this site. Yay! :). Thank you, guys, for this.

  • P.S. I don't know who changed my face thingy (on the left there) but it's cute. :)

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