automatic completion without having to click it

Game: freecell
Game #: 810865337

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  • Freecell has an 'Auto Finish' button on the tool bar,.

  • Or if you have a touch screen you can just tap the screen.

  • Hi Are you looking for advice on how to generate automatic completion? (If so, see @homedoggy and @lasso advice above) Or are you reporting automatic completion as an unwanted action during the game? To explain what’s happening @jim (Green Felt guy) recently wrote this explanation:

    ``Green Felt tries to be helpful and do some moves for you to save you time and mental effort. The way it works is that you can assume boring moves are done for you and just do the move you want and the game will fill in the blanks. Say, you want to move a card that is one down in a tableau, then just grab it and move it and the card that was in the way will move to say a free cell without you having to move it yourself. Likewise when dropping a card. If you'd normally need to move a card out of the way first, you can just assume the game will do it for you. Usually it will.

    If you click precisely and drag only cards that are allowed and drop cards precisely where they are allowed to go, then there will be no auto moves. Clicking on the green (i.e. not on a card) does "auto play". Clicking a card without dragging will do an auto move. Hovering while dragging might get you an auto move, but you can always move somewhere else and that move will undo itself.``

    Hope this helps

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