Game: klondike3
Game #: 746235529
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JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Woolwoman, no disrespect if you describe the problem you are having , thou I don't play klondike , if you ask in a nicer tone to your query , we would be glad to help , we can't help you when you don't describe your issue , so we can at least attempt to help you , please give this site and players on it a chance and ask in a more defined manner, Good Luck , Happy Halloween,

  • Good manners doesn't cost much.

  • "Woolwoman" I have games that I have never won either no matter how many times I replay the game. Is this happening on Klondike 3 only or just any of the games? I have had games that I have scored zero on and yet others have scored well. I don't know...sometimes I think that I blackout or have lost my mind!

    Sorry that I can't help but sometimes I experience the same thing. The more I play the better my scoring gets. I will never be one of these people that scores in the top 10 on the leaderboard consistently.

  • Yes, same here about not so much winning on certain games. I've played Addiction dozens of times and have only ever won once. It's fun though.

  • Wait, I just realized that if somehow the game is not fixed so this person can win, she will be flouncing out of the room, so to speak. Oh NO!!!!!!!

  • For context, as you will see one person has completed this game but regardless, if playing provokes such frustration (capital letters and unmoderated language) then it may be better for you but certainly for the rest of us if you were out immediately

    2048 x 1536 - 614K
  • There is one game on the site that I have been dominating...Hopeless in the one color mode.
    Perhaps woolwoman would like to give it a try...if not...let the flouncing begin.

  • I can relate to Nan's post, regardless of which game I play I get a little better each game, I am not concerned with wins or losses or percentages of games won, I am not the best player far from it, I am here to have fun and escape everyday chaos , if I finish in top 100 I am happy , don't care about scores , times , I enjoy this site regardless of how terrible and slow I am , I am here just to have fun, I might recommend trying free cell , it is game I play most of time or like mentioned Hopeless even I have tried it, not good but I tried, it takes time regarding times or how far you place in scores, and most of all winning all the time , focus on having fun.

    edited October 2018

    woolwoman, please note: NOT EVERY GAME IS WINNABLE! it takes a certain amount of ability and strategy, much practice, and the willingness to replay a game until you figure it out, to win most of these games.

    So, play the game number you've posted above (click on the game number and it will start) but don't put the 5 of spades on the 6 of diamonds. ;)

    Perhaps the person who does the great world champion tennis player analogy could repeat it for woolwoman...

  • Bye Bye :-)

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