This is getting wierd...These games are not an fun...

Game: klondike3
Game #: 1761726023
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • How so? Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible.

  • If you want to post something, make sure that it is spelled correctly. Weird is the correct spelling!

  • I guess that I should stop posting because sometimes I misspell words. For some reason lately my fingers don't do what my brain tells them to do. I didn't know that it was against the rules though.


    Pereple who cant speel our morrons!

  • weird(synonym)bizarre,quirky, eccentric,etc.
    moron(noun)blockhead, imbecile, clod, etc.
    Uh oh , I am in trouble, lol
    yes I am a weird moron

  • I don't consider myself as best player at any game, am lucky if I finish in top 100 at times, I come on here to pass time away , don't worry about times ,how many times I win or lose , I am here to have fun, and enjoy myself, with games and friends, and our great leaders David and Jim whom gave this great site to enjoy ourselves, keep playing woolwoman , these are just games not a chore.

  • weird(synonym) bizarre, quirky, eccentric
    moron(noun)blockhead, imbecile, clod

  • Gerald64 you are so often expressing my own thoughts!
    Play, enjoy, have fun and friendship...
    Good one David! LOL
    Nan01 my fingers are often not following my brain!
    ...and being able to spell correctly is not a requirement...

  • Nan please don't stop posting , couldn't do without your wisdom, my brain don't work anyways , gotta have one to begin with , always enjoyed your insights. Thanks spiderwebs for your message,

  • @david

    I think people should be spelled peepull or peapull. I never got where that "o" came from. If you sound out the word weird it would be spelled weerd.


  • Oooops I didn't finish the above post. Oh well probably it is best!

    @Gerald64 Thanks for your kind words. This post bothered me though. I shouldn't have let it bother me but for some reason it did. It would have been better to have followed my own advice and just moved on. Unless we are the owners of this site IMO we have no right to tell someone if they should or shouldn't have posted...especially because of something that we all do at times...misspell a word. Like I said....sometimes my brain doesn't keep up with my fingers...every once in a while my fingers don't keep up with my brain. Have you ever typed a comment and then looked back and couldn't even figure out what you thought you were typing?

  • Yes indeed I have! When that happens, my daughter calls as she thinks I may be having a stroke!
    You keep on communicating with us, we enjoy your comments!

  • There is a Feature Request...An 'Edit' button for the O.P.

  • Thanks for tip, now I know to hit preview, then it sends you another screen with edit underneath it, then hit edit, never knew what it was for, dah!

  • It's good to get on the discussion site and see that gerald and sage and homedoggy, etc are still around. As an old school teacher (old as in age and old as in former) spelling bothers me, but I'm not going to call anyone out on it. Typing was never one of my skills.

  • Hello jezzbelle, Gerald64, homedoggy, and everyone! Where else in the world would I be, at least a couple of hours, every day? You'll know I'm out of internet range, when I'm not here. LOL P.S. I love solving problems, and commas, too... ;)

  • Hi Woolwoman, you and I have the same problem. Just googled the rule for letters i and e. Rule is, "i before e except after c", pretty sure you knew that. What do you mean by these games are not fun?

  • Solitaire and music transcend language barriers and not all players in both skills are necessarily English language mother tongue players but can still communicate without the pedantics and/or use of letters/hieroglyphics...

  • P.s. While the games may not be much fun for everyone the forum postings go from fun to frustrating and also help pass the time..

  • Hello Trinny.I happen to have a spare Rosetta Stone in the garden,available to anyone who may have difficulty in deciphering any hieroglyphics used on this site.........for a modest fee of course.It's a little the worse for wear due to Treacle sharpening his teeth on it,but can still be used.Any offers?

  • Hello homedoggy,how are you.Hope you have not been affected by the recent weather.What's a uth?Is it some rare edition of the hieroglyphics/English dictionary.I'll swap my stone for it.Cheers

  • It is the Halloween curse it happens every year. Bring on the holiday cards. Hello homedoggy,graeme,treacle,trinny,sage. Trick or Treat

  • Can you read this? Re slelinpg or rtaehr msislelinpg ... I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.

  • Speaking in tongue.... weird

  • @Rev your post reminded me of a man that I became kind of pen pals with. He was in the late stages of cancer and was experiencing so much pain. I became the person that he corresponded with in the middle of the night when he was scared and lonely. Often times he would write me many times after he had taken his pain meds. The meds were so strong that very word was misspelled and there were no spaces between the words. It would take me a long time to decipher what he was trying to tell me.

    This man until his death taught me more about living even with misspelled words, than I can explain. One thing that I will share is that even people who struggle with spelling can offer so much in their postings.

    I have read similar to the Cambridge study. Our minds all own their own are sometimes more miraculous than when we try to control them.

  • Thanks for the humbling story Nan.

  • Nan01 what a beautiful gift of time, caring, and ministry you gave to your I'll pen pal. You seem very loving and I hope and pray the same has come back to you!!!

  • Rev that is amazing!
    I was hardly able to read it until you mentioned the first and last letter. Aefr tht t brkaim Koral clir!!!
    Lonnggg before recorders, cell phones, and laptops, throughout my education have taken notes by removing vowels from words...
    I have never seen, or imagined, what you have demonstrated!!!

  • Nan01. In my career I have met many who journey alongside those who are frail, sick,suffering, lost and/or dying not to mention being there for their care givers as well. People like you we call 'Alongsiders.' It is such an amazing ministry, one that is born within the, dare I say, 'soul' and flows from the heart. Thank you for sharing a bit of your journey with us.

  • Greatest praise and gratitude for Nan01 and Rev. They bring us up to pillars of hope, to remember a reason for being.

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