I hate automatic moves! It is cheating and I want to stop it. Can I do anything?

Game: yukon
Game #: 1358809631

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  • Just hit undo and then proceed. The undo button returns the cards to the previous position. Works like a charm. The supermoves are fun for some folks. Just don't drag your fingers. lol

  • Jim and David do their utmost to prevent cheating of any kind on this great site


    Yes @idylover, instead of clicking a card (where we will put in what we think is the most obvious place), you can pick up the card you want to move b clicking and holding. If you want to avoid automatic moves, do not hover above any place other than where you want the card to go. This means move the source card down and away from other cards and then place it as close to the bottom of the destination stack as you can. This should avoid automatic moves.

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