Game navagation

edited December 2010 in Bug Reports
Hi Jim and David,
After each game I am automatically redirected to the menu page :(
I have to keep navagating back to the game every time one ends. This started this evening. I'm using IE, the newest version.


    NRG wrote:
    After each game I am automatically redirected to the menu page :(
    I have to keep navagating back to the game every time one ends. This started this evening. I'm using IE, the newest version.

    As usual, I didn't test with IE. I'll look into it. Oh, crap you're right! Wow.
  • Thanks for the swift reply Jim! Hope it can be fixed easily :)
    jim wrote:
    NRG wrote:
    After each game I am automatically redirected to the menu page :(
    I have to keep navagating back to the game every time one ends. This started this evening. I'm using IE, the newest version.

    I'll look into it.

    I removed the offending new feature until I can figure out what is going on.

    David put a fix in, so now you can close a high score alert without the page changing again! That really was the craziest bug I've seen in a while. I know what I was doing wrong, but still have no idea why it changed the page.

    FWIW, you can also now close high score alerts with ESC. That was the point of my change that caused the problem.

    Thanks for your report. We don't use IE or even have easy access to it, so we hardly test on it. We rely on our users to let us know when we break something.


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