The discard pile

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited October 2010 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike
Game #: 393614952

The discard pile is too close to the stacks and is confusing. Also, the stacks extend too long and so I must move the screen a lot. Could you make the stack even with no cards sticking out? Thanks, I really like this game. Linda


    Linda wrote:
    The discard pile is too close to the stacks and is confusing. Also, the stacks extend too long and so I must move the screen a lot. Could you make the stack even with no cards sticking out? Thanks, I really like this game. Linda

    Have you tried using smaller cards? That might help the scrolling. One day we'll implement piles that shrink when they get too big so we can avoid scrolling. We actually have a test version if this idea a few years ago, but were never really happy with it. Maybe we'll pull it back out?

    Thanks for the feedback Linda,

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