Consistent incorrect scoring on Addiction Solitaire

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Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Hi,, When I play Addiction Solitaire I seldom agree with the score that shows up at the end of a game.
I know that scoring starts with Card #4 and continues with all cards following if of the correct suit.
Okay, I've got that. So could someone explain to me why by my count I can score 15 points and the computer says my score is 10.
Below are some of the scoring that I have encountered.: My score that I just add up off the screen listed first, and the computer score second::
. And yes, I know that the scoring starts with Card #4 and continues if following cards are in the correct order and suit.
And that face cards score 2 points each so a complete run from Card #4 thru the King scores 13 points.
But really why is there such a disparity and so often. Not just once in a blue moon.
Thanks for your attention.



    Hi @HH77, if you post a screenshot of the board and the high score table, or at least give us the game number and your score, then we can look at the board to see if the score agrees with what we intended.

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